Tag Archives: Lorraine Kelly

Ozzy and Out… With Rock Star Celebrity Academic Self-Parody Satire

I hope the mistYmuse helped you through the four darkest months in the northern hemisphere, and you all have a great eight months of spring, summer and early autumn/fall. Here’s a bonus blog post from Facebook this morning. You can join me there or on LinkedIn, or contact me at greengrey@gmail.com. Hope to see you for mistYmuse 2019/20 on November 21st…

Self-Parody Satire Encore

I’m going to act like the proper academic I trained to be by studying a PhD: assigning myself ‘eight months research leave’. Unfortunately without their full pay and a sexy secretary!

Possible ‘celebrity’ reactions to this new Osbournes video that you won’t see on breakfast news, after Lorraine Kelly won a tax battle against HMRC by claiming her breakfast news appearances were an act: she said she plays the nice, happy role ‘Lorraine Kelly’ persona as dictated by her bosses.
I’ve been saying this for years, and been castigated for daring to question ‘lovely celebrities’, right up to princesses Diana and Meghan.
The NZ PM is the latest who looks very fake, but it is a role she has to play! Not that I support the shooting, or think she does.
I’m in line with the left-wing and Russell Brand’s beloved Chomsky there: ‘Manufactured News’; which I read a decade before Brand was lauded for repeating it, and calling for a real revolution, leading his followers on Westminster. The NZ shooting is what a real revolution looks like Russell, who’s now enjoying life on Celebrity Bake Off!

Self-Parody Personas Reaction to Osbourne Children Video

A Lorraine Kelly ‘paedo persona’: sexy.
A Lorraine Kelly ‘white supremacist persona’: hope for the future.
A Lorraine Kelly ‘animal rights persona’: at least they’re not biting birds’ heads off!

The above is self-parody satire, and in no way reflects my real views. It’s the kind of satire seen on mainstream television satire shows, so I don’t think I’m out of line.
In my real view, I think the video is sweet, but don’t know if it should be shared online.

I also hope Ozzy gets better soon, but stops promoting and celebrating the biting of bats and birds!

Yesterday I ended the season on fmpoetry by supporting poor Amber Rudd, castigated for using the term ‘colour’ recently by Diane Abbott and the media, after Gemma Chan used it to support herself playing white roles, after all the whitewashing debate in media studies over the last decade: a debate I was basically excluded from, for being too stale, pale and male!