Monthly Archives: March 2019

Ozzy and Out… With Rock Star Celebrity Academic Self-Parody Satire

I hope the mistYmuse helped you through the four darkest months in the northern hemisphere, and you all have a great eight months of spring, summer and early autumn/fall. Here’s a bonus blog post from Facebook this morning. You can join me there or on LinkedIn, or contact me at Hope to see you for mistYmuse 2019/20 on November 21st…

Self-Parody Satire Encore

I’m going to act like the proper academic I trained to be by studying a PhD: assigning myself ‘eight months research leave’. Unfortunately without their full pay and a sexy secretary!

Possible ‘celebrity’ reactions to this new Osbournes video that you won’t see on breakfast news, after Lorraine Kelly won a tax battle against HMRC by claiming her breakfast news appearances were an act: she said she plays the nice, happy role ‘Lorraine Kelly’ persona as dictated by her bosses.
I’ve been saying this for years, and been castigated for daring to question ‘lovely celebrities’, right up to princesses Diana and Meghan.
The NZ PM is the latest who looks very fake, but it is a role she has to play! Not that I support the shooting, or think she does.
I’m in line with the left-wing and Russell Brand’s beloved Chomsky there: ‘Manufactured News’; which I read a decade before Brand was lauded for repeating it, and calling for a real revolution, leading his followers on Westminster. The NZ shooting is what a real revolution looks like Russell, who’s now enjoying life on Celebrity Bake Off!

Self-Parody Personas Reaction to Osbourne Children Video

A Lorraine Kelly ‘paedo persona’: sexy.
A Lorraine Kelly ‘white supremacist persona’: hope for the future.
A Lorraine Kelly ‘animal rights persona’: at least they’re not biting birds’ heads off!

The above is self-parody satire, and in no way reflects my real views. It’s the kind of satire seen on mainstream television satire shows, so I don’t think I’m out of line.
In my real view, I think the video is sweet, but don’t know if it should be shared online.

I also hope Ozzy gets better soon, but stops promoting and celebrating the biting of bats and birds!

Yesterday I ended the season on fmpoetry by supporting poor Amber Rudd, castigated for using the term ‘colour’ recently by Diane Abbott and the media, after Gemma Chan used it to support herself playing white roles, after all the whitewashing debate in media studies over the last decade: a debate I was basically excluded from, for being too stale, pale and male!

Spring Equinox Here, in Northern Hemisphere: Free Vitamin D

The Spring Equinox is here, a day earlier than normal although not uncommon, in the Northern Hemisphere, as appropriately reported in The Sun, including a nice POP (PinkyOrangePurple) Stonehenge photo, and explanation that it’s caused by the way planet Earth travels around the sun.

End of mYm1

So I can hereby declare the continuation of the closing ceremony for the first full mistYmuse (Midwinter Ideal Sunrise Times [November 21st to January 21st] – Midwinter Until Spring Equinox [January 21st to March 21st]) winter light festival.

It started yesterday on fmpoetry with some selfYsun-love art branding I did during the festival, and that have now just fully healed, after the last ones were done two months ago.

More Sun than SAD 

I hope mYm helped those who suffer from SAD (Seasonally Affective Disorder) in the most challenging four months of the year, and entertained everybody.

The weather has been pretty average overall, a mild winter here, but as I’ve stated before, it’s about light rather than weather anyway. Our light is predictable, whereas weather fluctuates. This has been proved true over the last month.

It seemed love was in the air in romantic Valentine February, as the sun shone bright and temperatures rose much higher than normal, but then March saw a return to wintry weather. Thankfully, sun and warmer weather have now returned.

New buds are opening, and there’s a whole lotta photosynthesis going on!

Here’s a few photos of the emerging spring:

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Predictable Light 

Whereas the weather has been unpredictable, light has continued spreading earlier and later in the day, as shown on the met office weather forecast:

Screenshot (340)_LI

It seems a long way from the midwinter December 21st ideal sunrise times of about 08.30, followed not long after by the sunsets of about 15.45.

That was captured for posterity in January (better late than never) on my fmpoetry website, with the sunrise and sunset at the bottom of the screen then; and a bit of an earlier sunrise and later sunset than their late December latest and earliest.

Both those weeks also have mostly cloudy weather, which inspired my Greenygrey original idea, putting a positive green land spin on the normally grey weather, also hoping to conserve green spaces and trees; and some sunshine, which was the main weather reason for putting the Y into the ascendency with the greenYgrey rebranding.

In human terms it was both to support blonde women and show I wasn’t after non-blondes when the Establishment sent me to work in the ‘multicultural’ area of Leeds; or interested in seeing their hair, as some Islamists tried to make out my support for feminists fighting Islamist sexism was all about. Ironically, one of those women told me they don’t like ‘Jews’ around there – probably trying to get Jihadi ‘stripes’ and impress her male controllers!!

At One Under the Sun with Native People

I don’t need to travel the Earth
to be where I feel home
because I’m already
in a pagan state
pagan state of mind.

North American woodhenge sun calendar mirroring British ones and others.
Nice greenYgrey effect as they show how posts marked sunrise at different times of year.

Some great gYgPOP (greenYgreyPinkyOrangePurple) in this.
When the Earth was still clean and pure, civilisations either side of the Atlantic and Pacific worshipped the sun, moon and stars; using them to live with and amongst nature on Earth.
Unfortunately, they also did do some damage to nature, leading to them collapsing in the end.
We still haven’t learnt the lesson!

Thanks to anybody reading this who downloaded my books on Smashwords last week, and anybody who’s already read them.

Yorkshire: Pagan History and Alien UFOs

Before the apparent extent of the child grooming scandals became apparent I would have joked about Yorkshire’s biggest mystery being why it has such a high self opinion, as I did in Wales when I lived there; and that the mystery of why the Nora Battyish  women want attention is explained by them growing up on Last of the Summer Wine. Compo was one of my favourite sitcom characters, but that doesn’t mean I fancied Nora!

However, now I think ‘local pride’ is needed as a defence against invasive cultures, due to the combination of high immigration and a Multicultural Fascism politics and media policy over the last twenty years.

Mysterious Yorkshire by Rupert Matthews

While there is still a lot of greatness in Yorkshire, such as a couple of big lovely national parks, historic towns and villages, and a high-chalk-cliffs coastline including abundant seabirds Rupert Matthews explains why Yorkshire is so proud in his book on its mysteries.

In history, Yorkshire spread across the north to the west coast, so including the Lake District. It is already the biggest county in England if including its four geographical sub-sections together (separated in 1974), and was big enough to be a separate country in its historic form, as it basically was before England formed; and as many still want it to be today.

Pagan Yorkshire

Matthews discusses how the Yorkshire area was separated into tribal areas when the Romans invaded about 2000 years ago. The biggest tribe were the Brigantes, who worshipped one goddess, Brigantia, and controlled the north and west of the region; the Parisii controlled the east, and worshipped multiple ‘pagan’ deities. There are many stone circles and monoliths from that era, including the highest standing stone at Rudston.

Rome introduced Christianity, but after they left, paganism became the norm again after Germanic tribes; such as the Jutes, Angles and Saxons; settled into the vacuum left by the Romans.

After Christianity took hold again after a few centuries, the Vikings brought paganism with them when they invaded. Over the following centuries, Christianity became the norm again, through a mixture of preaching, war and bribery, but pagan beliefs and practises continued, and are still celebrated today. In fact, many ‘Christians’ seem to have more ‘pagan’ beliefs than mildly pagans like me; being more inclined to be superstitious etc.

There are chapters discussing many fairies, witches and ghosts sightings and experiences, and many are very persuasive. There is even a were creature legend known as the barguest (not greenYgrey though) said to roam Ilkley Moor, which also has a stone circle, and regular mysterious lights sightings.

Alien UFO Yorkshire

There was also a famous UFO/alien encounter there in December 1987 (when I’d left the UK!), with a policeman taking photos of ‘something’ (looking old-fashioned greenygrey itself, while the photo is overall greenYgrey):

See the source image

There was an even stranger experience in the Halifax-Todmorden area in November, 1980 (around the time I had my distant UFO experience in Wales) with several policemen seeing UFO’s; some close-up.

Moreover, one of them, Alan Godfrey, under hypnosis recollected being abducted, and had earlier that year investigated a man, Zigmund Adamski, who’d been found dead from shock, staring face-up at the sky on a pile of coal, after disappearing several days earlier.

The strangest and most convincing part was that Adamski had some ointment on him, as if it had been used to tend burn marks, that they still don’t know the composition of; and there were also strange marks found on the body.

I have found out all that barguest/UFO information since writing my parody comedy X-Files fantasy fiction travel book featuring a vegetarian werewolf protagonist: