Tag Archives: environment

Spring Equinox Here, in Northern Hemisphere: Free Vitamin D

The Spring Equinox is here, a day earlier than normal although not uncommon, in the Northern Hemisphere, as appropriately reported in The Sun, including a nice POP (PinkyOrangePurple) Stonehenge photo, and explanation that it’s caused by the way planet Earth travels around the sun.

End of mYm1

So I can hereby declare the continuation of the closing ceremony for the first full mistYmuse (Midwinter Ideal Sunrise Times [November 21st to January 21st] – Midwinter Until Spring Equinox [January 21st to March 21st]) winter light festival.

It started yesterday on fmpoetry with some selfYsun-love art branding I did during the festival, and that have now just fully healed, after the last ones were done two months ago.

More Sun than SAD 

I hope mYm helped those who suffer from SAD (Seasonally Affective Disorder) in the most challenging four months of the year, and entertained everybody.

The weather has been pretty average overall, a mild winter here, but as I’ve stated before, it’s about light rather than weather anyway. Our light is predictable, whereas weather fluctuates. This has been proved true over the last month.

It seemed love was in the air in romantic Valentine February, as the sun shone bright and temperatures rose much higher than normal, but then March saw a return to wintry weather. Thankfully, sun and warmer weather have now returned.

New buds are opening, and there’s a whole lotta photosynthesis going on!

Here’s a few photos of the emerging spring:

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Predictable Light 

Whereas the weather has been unpredictable, light has continued spreading earlier and later in the day, as shown on the met office weather forecast:

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It seems a long way from the midwinter December 21st ideal sunrise times of about 08.30, followed not long after by the sunsets of about 15.45.

That was captured for posterity in January (better late than never) on my fmpoetry website, with the sunrise and sunset at the bottom of the screen then; and a bit of an earlier sunrise and later sunset than their late December latest and earliest.

Both those weeks also have mostly cloudy weather, which inspired my Greenygrey original idea, putting a positive green land spin on the normally grey weather, also hoping to conserve green spaces and trees; and some sunshine, which was the main weather reason for putting the Y into the ascendency with the greenYgrey rebranding.

In human terms it was both to support blonde women and show I wasn’t after non-blondes when the Establishment sent me to work in the ‘multicultural’ area of Leeds; or interested in seeing their hair, as some Islamists tried to make out my support for feminists fighting Islamist sexism was all about. Ironically, one of those women told me they don’t like ‘Jews’ around there – probably trying to get Jihadi ‘stripes’ and impress her male controllers!!

At One Under the Sun with Native People

I don’t need to travel the Earth
to be where I feel home
because I’m already
in a pagan state
pagan state of mind.

North American woodhenge sun calendar mirroring British ones and others.
Nice greenYgrey effect as they show how posts marked sunrise at different times of year.

Some great gYgPOP (greenYgreyPinkyOrangePurple) in this.
When the Earth was still clean and pure, civilisations either side of the Atlantic and Pacific worshipped the sun, moon and stars; using them to live with and amongst nature on Earth.
Unfortunately, they also did do some damage to nature, leading to them collapsing in the end.
We still haven’t learnt the lesson!

Thanks to anybody reading this who downloaded my books on Smashwords last week, and anybody who’s already read them.

Meal-Ticket to Mars: #hasamberheard?

My plot to reach Mars has thickened, making me feel like one of those evil geniuses everybody seems to want to be these days; often using me as part of their ego/social media-building efforts!

Amber Heard and Elon Musk

When I saw a story about Elon Musk saying how much a ticket to Mars will cost, it inspired me to write ‘If I can get closer to Amber Heard I reckon Elon will give me a free ticket!?’ on Facebook.

Trump Wall could Disrupt Musk’s SpaceX: Ivanka’s Work?

Then yesterday I saw story about the Trump wall possibly going through Musk’s SpaceX station, so I wrote with self-proclaimed genius self-parody: ‘Ivanka must have heard about my plan to use Amber Heard as a meal-ticket to Mars, with Elon bound to give me a free ticket if I can get closer to Amber. Ivanka’s got her dad to scupper my plans, desperate to keep me on this planet, in the hope that one day we’ll be together.’

Sun and I Very Happy

In reality, back in the real world (or should that be solar system), the sun and I are very happy, and had a lovely first Valentine’s Day together as a couple yesterday.

I don’t think I really want to go to Mars anyway, as it’s farther from the one I love: that great big bundle of life-creating fun, the sun.

#hasamberheard? #hopeamberhasn’theard

The reality behind the parody comedy is that some people are behaving like the above, and I’ve been trying to warn against it throughout my writing, from my first memoir and poems, through my fantasy fiction.

I did that after leaving university because they weren’t interested in it, thinking it too politically incorrect and bad for business.

Hundreds or thousands of young people have since been groomed and/or committed suicide; many of them students. Many are now the perpetrators too though.




9-5 Workers Back to Two Twilight Times

The northern hemisphere sunrise is retreating back towards the early hours; now around an hour earlier at 7.30am than its GHOST (Golden Hour Of Sunrise Times) peak of 8.30am at midwinter.

While that could be bad news for people working the regular hours of 9-5 who don’t have to wake up that early, the good news is that the sunset has now passed the 5pm point, meaning they should be able to see it somewhere.


That is the mistYmuse news for today. There was a more amazing story from Silbury Hill about a PinkyOrangePurple (POP) twisting cloud that has baffled scientists on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry.wordpress.com, with the story breaking just after I wrote a blog post about the Warminster UFO extended experienced, ending around the time of my birth, after starting nine months before.

Have a safe evening in the northern hemisphere, day in the southern.

Travel the Mind, Better to Unwind

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but there seems a correlation between what separates our brains (minds) from open air and our planet from space: a protective casing around our brains; the skull; and the atmosphere around our planet. Moreover, neither are fully closed.
Open to the Universe
Furthermore, while they protect us, they also give the impression of separation. Clouds and sunlight in the sky, and clothes and faces on us can increase the divide. Walls and rooves provide another separating layer when indoors.
It’s a well-known maxim of new-age spirituality; inspired by old philosophy I think; that we’re all connected to everything around us, but my thoughts above are new to me as I write.
Travel Pros and Cons
Travel can take you to places where you can feel a good connection; quiet clear sky locations, such as mountains, beaches and deserts.
However, famous locations are often crowded and noisy, so you can often achieve just as much escape and more quiet staying home or local.
Moreover, you don’t cause any environmental or life damage then either. While I admire and often relate to people who start new lives in the wild, they nearly always end up destroying/killing some life.
Angry Transcendence My Beach Boys Love Now
Before writing this blog post I wrote this on the Rose Tattoo Facebook page, introducing my new poem on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry.wordpress.com blog:
Rose Tattoo were one of my biggest inspirations to write poetry, as I declared in my first collection. While it was the angry street songs then, I’m just as interested in Angry’s spirituality now, and attempts at transcendence through music, as he declared in an interview featured in the Easybeats to AC/DC documentary.
Seeing him on stage last year before seeing the documentary, knowing he was into the Bahia faith, I thought he was in a transcendent state, with eyes closed a lot of the time; riding the music during songs, or travelling the past through his mind while talking; like a scarred for life shaman (I quite like that; hope you do too).
I think I have travelled a similar path while writing, but mine is of course simply the writing stage, without the added stimulation of performing a highly successful and appreciated creative catalogue in front of many people. Today, it’s where I’ve been writing this. Yesterday, my stream of consciousness coffilosophy, was this ‘live thought’ on the writing process for my fmpoetry blog.
No Eminem: Slim Shady
While I admire a lot of musicians I don’t have any kind of delusions about them, as depicted by Eminem with Slim Shady.
In fact, I now consider myself too old and rational to rock n’ roll much! After seeing a Beach Boys concert just over a year ago, and looking them up, I related to the warmth of Denis Wilson, the tragic party animal who died young and was the only real beach boy in the group. After reading his nemesis in the group was Mike Love, a much more rational colder man I wanted to side with Denis. I wrote about it on fmpoetry.
However, I now feel more in line with Love, who practises transcendental meditation. I stilly feel empathy and sympathy for Denis Wilson, and admiration for Brian, the genius of the band, but at this moment in time, I am more in mind of Love; mentally that is!
While Mike Love seems quite a cold character, Angry Anderson seems the opposite, but also expressed his desire for transcendence through his music on the Easybeats to AC/DC: The History of Aussie Rock documentary recently shown on the BBC.
I am still greenYgrey enough to think it could all be in my mind, inspired by the one and only Love the mixed-up vole, the anagram that some (neurons in my mind!) consider, stole the XaW Files: Beyond Humanity show!

Amber Heard v Space Flight, AAW Right

Please discount everything you read on this blog since February 6th last year. That evil genius Elon Musk thought I was getting too close to Amber Heard, so he rocketed me up to space, after saying he’d give me a tesla car for blogging about him. I’ve been up there ever since, and just landed back this morning. Here’s a selfie I took last week:

Photograph of the black emptiness of space, with planet Earth partly in shadow in the background. In the foreground is an open-top red convertible sports car, viewed from the front over the hood, with a mannequin in the driving seat that is wearing a white-and-black spacesuit

Parody Comedy Fake News

No, that’s just self-parody, and wishful thinking, on either choice, or what would now probably be called fake news; although the latter is usually meant to describe news that is portrayed as being real.

The lines often blur in the time-deficient, information-overload media we now have.

Amber Inspiration

The photo above is a tesla Musk rocketed up on February 6th last year, attained from Wikipedia.

I was reminded of Amber Heard by the amber weather warning. It was nice to see snow for the first time this year, although it’s hard for people travelling of course.

Heard or Space

Which would I choose if given a choice between a relationship with Amber Heard or a trip to space. In true greenYgrey style, I think it would depend on the length of time.

If it was a short relationship v short trip I’d choose space; if it was long v long I’d choose Amber.

Sorry if it’s not the answer women want!

Apologies to Amber Rudd

When I joked I wanted a relationship with Amber Heard not Amber Rudd it was mainly to make the point that I put my taste in beauty before status or wealth; to support the nice poor women I hear about killing themselves quite often. So Amber Rudd was just a representative of the ‘powerful woman or man’ who might think like that, with a similar name to my favourite super beautiful actress of the time.

I later saw Rudd had written about her husband having an affair with a younger woman, so in that case I was on Rudd’s side, and felt a little sorry about what I’d written, which had been simply for parody comedy reasons, with Rudd a powerful ‘celebrity’ politician already in the full media glare.

I don’t know if she ever read my blog post, and hope she didn’t, but it was nothing personal, and was more about the type of woman (and man) who puts status and wealth before looks and love… and especially those who try to use the former to destroy the latter… as I’ve seen in lots of movies, and I think experienced myself.

But some women think, well, if he’d prefer to go to space, he’s only got himself to blame, and they like men who’ll ‘do anything’ to get them!

AAWsome Women: it Must be February Love (mixed-up vole) in the Air 

While women like Amber Heard have been the figureheads, on my travels I’ve been privileged to see and meet many AAWsome women. There, it’s often the lower paid workers, from flyerers to waitresses who’ve brightened up the world; or pedestrians on the ground to air hostesses at altitude.

I’m not boasting of conquests there for those who think that way; it’s all been nice and ethical; as I later read about Moby experiencing in his Porcelain memoir, and wrote about it before on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry.wordpress.com.

Here’s three photos of me from my last family trip to the Scottish glens and lochs, dedicated to the AAWs who’ve brightened up my anniversary travels, from 25th to 30th!:

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I think they’re better ones of me than my selfie with sun, which I’ve used a lot more, as it has more interest, due to the golden orb that appeared (and may just be a camera light trick?):


One day there may be space hostesses, but I unfortunately won’t be around then… unless Musk and Branson get their act together!



GHOST No More: mistYmuse Sunrise Weather News

It’s still winter. Yes, it’s quite ironic that after the mistYmuse Y-day celebration, marking the passing into the second half of winter festival, helping mistYmusers survive the northern hemisphere chilly third of the year, Blighty faces its longest cold spell of the winter, as I experience; and the same for parts of North America according to the news.

I Predict Nothing, Expect Even Less

mistYmuseptics (sceptics of the mistYmuse) might be saying: ‘Ha, ha, that mistYmuser knows nothing’, but they would be getting the wrong end of the (mistYmuse-greenYgrey) stick – beyond my wordplay, the half-way point of the mistYmuse is mainly a psychological marker to motivate oneself to survive the rest of the winter/early spring; as I and many others have done in endurance events – races, contracts, study etc.

The mistYmuse may not even cover the whole wintry weather, with cold spells possible through to May.

Light is Predictable – End of GHOST

Light is predictable because its governed by our travel around the sun, and it will always be the same until there is some big space event, or our planet’s axis changes – not likely for thousands or millions of years.

A week after Y-day, the sunrise has now left the Golden Hour of Sunrise Times (GHOST) for 9am workers, with the weather forecast stating 7.57 for Leeds this morning. If early-risers think I’m a lazybones gloater, I was up to see the first light this morning at 7.30, and the grey horizon clouds lit up on top all POP (PinkyOrangePurple) between then and the sunrise.

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Iggy Pop Wordplay Fun Interlude (remembering Monty Python-style comedy)

Iggy Pop came on YouTube after I listened to The Stooges ‘Funhouse’ first, and I just noticed his name is an anagram of I gYg POP! Maybe I should become a ‘covers band’ of his; what do you think?

I also listen to Planet Rock quite a lot, and read Classic Rock news and articles on the Louder Sound website. A couple of days ago I heard Wyatt jokingly alternating rock song titles and lyrics, as I did on fmpoetry yesterday, and have done before.

Using Sun and Insulation to Survive Cold

The sunrise marks the end of POP of course, and when you should look away, as although the sun is undoubtedly a wonderful thing overall, it does have some negatives, in line with greenYgreyism: although the sun of course preceded gYgism, and is much more important/omnipresent!

If you are in a cold weather place now, and heating is a money concern, and have some sunshine, I recommend trying to get as much sunshine in as possible while its shining, as it can help heat a room. Then after it goes down, insulate the windows as much as possible to retain the heat: using bedding, clothes or even spare groceries, such as packets of toilet rolls, tins etc. I write that from a human angle, rather than a sun one!

If you think the sun and I’s love affair is a whirlwind romance, here’s a video from nine years ago:

My first artwork of my adult life was also the sun, in 2003, now over fifteen years ago.

Then it became the cover star (notice that wordplay?) of my magnum opus book:

Australian Open Tennis Highlights

In the glory days of greenYgrey I would have joked without explanation: ‘there was only one winner at the Australian Open… (with I think the expected answer tennis, but my in-joke): gYgPOP (greenYgrey PinkyOrangePurple).

Daring to Wordplay Self-Parody

But these are different times (I think they really are, but dare to still use parody/satire to gYgPOP in-joke): POP ones.

Thanks to the Beeb for their finals highlights, with some great tennis… and these gYgPOP highlights from Melbourne, where Grey of course solo travelled (immortalised in the Werewolf of Oz book) when separated from Greeny, before the Y grew in the middle, the Gs went lower case… and then it all turned POP; perfectly presented in the Melbourne sky during the men’s final (between the Frankenstein and Werewolf of greenYgrey sports, with all respect to them, and thinking neither are as scary as me!).

Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Maps by [Latham, Marc]

Sunrise, Moon and Venus b4 Y-day

The mistYmuse four months new-age paganism winter festival has now crossed the January 21st midway Y-day, leaving the MIST (Most Ideal Sunrise Times) and entered the MUSE (Midwinter Until Spring Equinox) months. I’m sorry if you missed leaving MIST, and there was quite a party over on this site’s fmpoetry sister site, starting with the new YSL advert on January 13th:

Sunrise POP (PinkyOrangePurple)

I featured some sunset photos on this site near the start of the mistYmuse, and here’s some sunrise ones, from early January, with Venus near the moon:

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Space Travellers

As a video I featured on fmpoetry during the Y-day pre-party showed, we are all travellers through space, on our planet, and in our solar system:

Moreover, our brains are like miniature galaxies, as an article and simulation of a black hole forming on MSN made me think that’s how my mind is working while thinking of new concepts and connections while gYgPOPing.

My Y-day blogging was like a mini-break reminder of my epic classic XaW Files: Beyond Humanity 202 episodes; which is like my real life travel history, of big journeys followed by shorter holidays!



Icelanniversary: Iceland Sky Updates

A year ago I was in Iceland, on my last solo travel adventure; that’s last as in latest rather than final, although it could be the latter too, as it was for the greenYgrey in the last of the trilogy XaW Files: Beyond Humanity. It includes lots of wonderful wordplay, as I hope Icelanniversary is another example; it also reminds me of Inveraray, the Scottish town I visited afterwards last year.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I’ve put XaW Files on a Kindle ebook free promo this week, to celebrate the mistYmuse pagan winter festival reaching its most important central time Y-day on January 21st, a month after the midwinter solstice, and a passing from MIST (Most Ideal Sunrise Times) darkest winter to MUSE (Midwinter Until Spring Equinox).

The party is already two days old on this site’s sister site fmpoetry.wordpress.com with MEW (Mist Evaporation Week) hotting up with every day.

Northern Lights or Ice Pillars: UFO Book Explanation

Funnily enough, I recently saw what could be an explanation for the long streaks I saw one day in Reykjavik, coinciding with a rainbow creating snow shower. I thought they might be northern lights, having seen similar on the Sky at Night television show shortly before then.

In Nigel Watson’s UFO Investigations Manual, p.80, he has a photo of something similar, and explains the ‘vertical streaks of light are caused by Ice Pillars.’

On p. 84 he writes about meteors and fireballs, and I saw a great one of the latter one night in Borganes while out northern lights hunting: like a big dollop of paint falling from the northern sky.

I saw another one last month during the Quadrantid meteor shower.

Magical Light Day on Borganes Fjord

While I was disappointed not to see the big Northern Lights sky show I did feel lucky to have had high pressure dominate the week I was in Iceland, after heavy snowfall had created very photogenic panoramic scenery. It provided some great POP (PinkyOrangePurple) twilight times, and I had one especially magical light show spending the entire (short) day on the Borganes fjord.

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There’s more POP and UFO to come this week, and if you’ve got access to Kindle books, XaW Files: Beyond Humanity, with its thrilling Iceland finale, is now freely available:

XaW Files: Beyond Humanity (Fantasy Travel by Google Maps Book 3) by [Latham, Marc]