Tag Archives: UFO

Yorkshire: Pagan History and Alien UFOs

Before the apparent extent of the child grooming scandals became apparent I would have joked about Yorkshire’s biggest mystery being why it has such a high self opinion, as I did in Wales when I lived there; and that the mystery of why the Nora Battyish  women want attention is explained by them growing up on Last of the Summer Wine. Compo was one of my favourite sitcom characters, but that doesn’t mean I fancied Nora!

However, now I think ‘local pride’ is needed as a defence against invasive cultures, due to the combination of high immigration and a Multicultural Fascism politics and media policy over the last twenty years.

Mysterious Yorkshire by Rupert Matthews

While there is still a lot of greatness in Yorkshire, such as a couple of big lovely national parks, historic towns and villages, and a high-chalk-cliffs coastline including abundant seabirds Rupert Matthews explains why Yorkshire is so proud in his book on its mysteries.

In history, Yorkshire spread across the north to the west coast, so including the Lake District. It is already the biggest county in England if including its four geographical sub-sections together (separated in 1974), and was big enough to be a separate country in its historic form, as it basically was before England formed; and as many still want it to be today.

Pagan Yorkshire

Matthews discusses how the Yorkshire area was separated into tribal areas when the Romans invaded about 2000 years ago. The biggest tribe were the Brigantes, who worshipped one goddess, Brigantia, and controlled the north and west of the region; the Parisii controlled the east, and worshipped multiple ‘pagan’ deities. There are many stone circles and monoliths from that era, including the highest standing stone at Rudston.

Rome introduced Christianity, but after they left, paganism became the norm again after Germanic tribes; such as the Jutes, Angles and Saxons; settled into the vacuum left by the Romans.

After Christianity took hold again after a few centuries, the Vikings brought paganism with them when they invaded. Over the following centuries, Christianity became the norm again, through a mixture of preaching, war and bribery, but pagan beliefs and practises continued, and are still celebrated today. In fact, many ‘Christians’ seem to have more ‘pagan’ beliefs than mildly pagans like me; being more inclined to be superstitious etc.

There are chapters discussing many fairies, witches and ghosts sightings and experiences, and many are very persuasive. There is even a were creature legend known as the barguest (not greenYgrey though) said to roam Ilkley Moor, which also has a stone circle, and regular mysterious lights sightings.

Alien UFO Yorkshire

There was also a famous UFO/alien encounter there in December 1987 (when I’d left the UK!), with a policeman taking photos of ‘something’ (looking old-fashioned greenygrey itself, while the photo is overall greenYgrey):

See the source image

There was an even stranger experience in the Halifax-Todmorden area in November, 1980 (around the time I had my distant UFO experience in Wales) with several policemen seeing UFO’s; some close-up.

Moreover, one of them, Alan Godfrey, under hypnosis recollected being abducted, and had earlier that year investigated a man, Zigmund Adamski, who’d been found dead from shock, staring face-up at the sky on a pile of coal, after disappearing several days earlier.

The strangest and most convincing part was that Adamski had some ointment on him, as if it had been used to tend burn marks, that they still don’t know the composition of; and there were also strange marks found on the body.

I have found out all that barguest/UFO information since writing my parody comedy X-Files fantasy fiction travel book featuring a vegetarian werewolf protagonist:

UFOs: UK Best 100 Cases Documentary

Channel 5 in the UK had a good two hours collection of UFO videos called 100 UFOs Caught On Camera this week, available to watch until March 23rd, but just in UK I think. At least half were really good ones; crafts or lights moving at speeds and angles beyond known human capability, and some looking really big.

One of the best new ones for me, for its veracity; others were more spectacular, but seemed possible fakes or could have been planes, birds or insects; was a National Geographic one. I didn’t even know they had a documentary series about UFOs. Here it is on YouTube:

If you can slow it down, it does really look like a classic big spinning disk with windows/lights.

The editor has commented below it, verifying it as well. Although National Geographic has a good scientific brand reputation, others have fallen below expected standards, so it could all be fake, but as far as I know and think, it looks and sounds genuine.

The Ocean Above: My Personal Theory of Space

Together with the rest of the cases in the programme and elsewhere I think there’s definitely something happening in our sky, atmosphere and space, but don’t know what. I think that’s because it’s currently beyond humanity, as far as I know, rather than there being nothing out there.

The same goes for inside the head, which I investigated a lot in my writing. Advances in science are now answering some of the old philosophical questions. I’ve included both, in greenYgrey and PinkyOrangePurple (POP) technicolour, looking for reflections in the folding mirrors:

9-5 Workers Back to Two Twilight Times

The northern hemisphere sunrise is retreating back towards the early hours; now around an hour earlier at 7.30am than its GHOST (Golden Hour Of Sunrise Times) peak of 8.30am at midwinter.

While that could be bad news for people working the regular hours of 9-5 who don’t have to wake up that early, the good news is that the sunset has now passed the 5pm point, meaning they should be able to see it somewhere.


That is the mistYmuse news for today. There was a more amazing story from Silbury Hill about a PinkyOrangePurple (POP) twisting cloud that has baffled scientists on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry.wordpress.com, with the story breaking just after I wrote a blog post about the Warminster UFO extended experienced, ending around the time of my birth, after starting nine months before.

Have a safe evening in the northern hemisphere, day in the southern.

Icelanniversary: Iceland Sky Updates

A year ago I was in Iceland, on my last solo travel adventure; that’s last as in latest rather than final, although it could be the latter too, as it was for the greenYgrey in the last of the trilogy XaW Files: Beyond Humanity. It includes lots of wonderful wordplay, as I hope Icelanniversary is another example; it also reminds me of Inveraray, the Scottish town I visited afterwards last year.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I’ve put XaW Files on a Kindle ebook free promo this week, to celebrate the mistYmuse pagan winter festival reaching its most important central time Y-day on January 21st, a month after the midwinter solstice, and a passing from MIST (Most Ideal Sunrise Times) darkest winter to MUSE (Midwinter Until Spring Equinox).

The party is already two days old on this site’s sister site fmpoetry.wordpress.com with MEW (Mist Evaporation Week) hotting up with every day.

Northern Lights or Ice Pillars: UFO Book Explanation

Funnily enough, I recently saw what could be an explanation for the long streaks I saw one day in Reykjavik, coinciding with a rainbow creating snow shower. I thought they might be northern lights, having seen similar on the Sky at Night television show shortly before then.

In Nigel Watson’s UFO Investigations Manual, p.80, he has a photo of something similar, and explains the ‘vertical streaks of light are caused by Ice Pillars.’

On p. 84 he writes about meteors and fireballs, and I saw a great one of the latter one night in Borganes while out northern lights hunting: like a big dollop of paint falling from the northern sky.

I saw another one last month during the Quadrantid meteor shower.

Magical Light Day on Borganes Fjord

While I was disappointed not to see the big Northern Lights sky show I did feel lucky to have had high pressure dominate the week I was in Iceland, after heavy snowfall had created very photogenic panoramic scenery. It provided some great POP (PinkyOrangePurple) twilight times, and I had one especially magical light show spending the entire (short) day on the Borganes fjord.

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There’s more POP and UFO to come this week, and if you’ve got access to Kindle books, XaW Files: Beyond Humanity, with its thrilling Iceland finale, is now freely available:

XaW Files: Beyond Humanity (Fantasy Travel by Google Maps Book 3) by [Latham, Marc]