Tag Archives: photos

UFOs: UK Best 100 Cases Documentary

Channel 5 in the UK had a good two hours collection of UFO videos called 100 UFOs Caught On Camera this week, available to watch until March 23rd, but just in UK I think. At least half were really good ones; crafts or lights moving at speeds and angles beyond known human capability, and some looking really big.

One of the best new ones for me, for its veracity; others were more spectacular, but seemed possible fakes or could have been planes, birds or insects; was a National Geographic one. I didn’t even know they had a documentary series about UFOs. Here it is on YouTube:

If you can slow it down, it does really look like a classic big spinning disk with windows/lights.

The editor has commented below it, verifying it as well. Although National Geographic has a good scientific brand reputation, others have fallen below expected standards, so it could all be fake, but as far as I know and think, it looks and sounds genuine.

The Ocean Above: My Personal Theory of Space

Together with the rest of the cases in the programme and elsewhere I think there’s definitely something happening in our sky, atmosphere and space, but don’t know what. I think that’s because it’s currently beyond humanity, as far as I know, rather than there being nothing out there.

The same goes for inside the head, which I investigated a lot in my writing. Advances in science are now answering some of the old philosophical questions. I’ve included both, in greenYgrey and PinkyOrangePurple (POP) technicolour, looking for reflections in the folding mirrors:

Amber Heard v Space Flight, AAW Right

Please discount everything you read on this blog since February 6th last year. That evil genius Elon Musk thought I was getting too close to Amber Heard, so he rocketed me up to space, after saying he’d give me a tesla car for blogging about him. I’ve been up there ever since, and just landed back this morning. Here’s a selfie I took last week:

Photograph of the black emptiness of space, with planet Earth partly in shadow in the background. In the foreground is an open-top red convertible sports car, viewed from the front over the hood, with a mannequin in the driving seat that is wearing a white-and-black spacesuit

Parody Comedy Fake News

No, that’s just self-parody, and wishful thinking, on either choice, or what would now probably be called fake news; although the latter is usually meant to describe news that is portrayed as being real.

The lines often blur in the time-deficient, information-overload media we now have.

Amber Inspiration

The photo above is a tesla Musk rocketed up on February 6th last year, attained from Wikipedia.

I was reminded of Amber Heard by the amber weather warning. It was nice to see snow for the first time this year, although it’s hard for people travelling of course.

Heard or Space

Which would I choose if given a choice between a relationship with Amber Heard or a trip to space. In true greenYgrey style, I think it would depend on the length of time.

If it was a short relationship v short trip I’d choose space; if it was long v long I’d choose Amber.

Sorry if it’s not the answer women want!

Apologies to Amber Rudd

When I joked I wanted a relationship with Amber Heard not Amber Rudd it was mainly to make the point that I put my taste in beauty before status or wealth; to support the nice poor women I hear about killing themselves quite often. So Amber Rudd was just a representative of the ‘powerful woman or man’ who might think like that, with a similar name to my favourite super beautiful actress of the time.

I later saw Rudd had written about her husband having an affair with a younger woman, so in that case I was on Rudd’s side, and felt a little sorry about what I’d written, which had been simply for parody comedy reasons, with Rudd a powerful ‘celebrity’ politician already in the full media glare.

I don’t know if she ever read my blog post, and hope she didn’t, but it was nothing personal, and was more about the type of woman (and man) who puts status and wealth before looks and love… and especially those who try to use the former to destroy the latter… as I’ve seen in lots of movies, and I think experienced myself.

But some women think, well, if he’d prefer to go to space, he’s only got himself to blame, and they like men who’ll ‘do anything’ to get them!

AAWsome Women: it Must be February Love (mixed-up vole) in the AirĀ 

While women like Amber Heard have been the figureheads, on my travels I’ve been privileged to see and meet many AAWsome women. There, it’s often the lower paid workers, from flyerers to waitresses who’ve brightened up the world; or pedestrians on the ground to air hostesses at altitude.

I’m not boasting of conquests there for those who think that way; it’s all been nice and ethical; as I later read about Moby experiencing in his Porcelain memoir, and wrote about it before on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry.wordpress.com.

Here’s three photos of me from my last family trip to the Scottish glens and lochs, dedicated to the AAWs who’ve brightened up my anniversary travels, from 25th to 30th!:

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I think they’re better ones of me than my selfie with sun, which I’ve used a lot more, as it has more interest, due to the golden orb that appeared (and may just be a camera light trick?):


One day there may be space hostesses, but I unfortunately won’t be around then… unless Musk and Branson get their act together!



GHOST No More: mistYmuse Sunrise Weather News

It’s still winter. Yes, it’s quite ironic that after the mistYmuse Y-day celebration, marking the passing into the second half of winter festival, helping mistYmusers survive the northern hemisphere chilly third of the year, Blighty faces its longest cold spell of the winter, as I experience; and the same for parts of North America according to the news.

I Predict Nothing, Expect Even Less

mistYmuseptics (sceptics of the mistYmuse) might be saying: ‘Ha, ha, that mistYmuser knows nothing’, but they would be getting the wrong end of the (mistYmuse-greenYgrey) stick – beyond my wordplay, the half-way point of the mistYmuse is mainly a psychological marker to motivate oneself to survive the rest of the winter/early spring; as I and many others have done in endurance events – races, contracts, study etc.

The mistYmuse may not even cover the whole wintry weather, with cold spells possible through to May.

Light is Predictable – End of GHOST

Light is predictable because its governed by our travel around the sun, and it will always be the same until there is some big space event, or our planet’s axis changes – not likely for thousands or millions of years.

A week after Y-day, the sunrise has now left the Golden Hour of Sunrise Times (GHOST) for 9am workers, with the weather forecast stating 7.57 for Leeds this morning. If early-risers think I’m a lazybones gloater, I was up to see the first light this morning at 7.30, and the grey horizon clouds lit up on top all POP (PinkyOrangePurple) between then and the sunrise.

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Iggy Pop Wordplay Fun Interlude (remembering Monty Python-style comedy)

Iggy Pop came on YouTube after I listened to The Stooges ‘Funhouse’ first, and I just noticed his name is an anagram of I gYg POP! Maybe I should become a ‘covers band’ of his; what do you think?

I also listen to Planet Rock quite a lot, and read Classic Rock news and articles on the Louder Sound website. A couple of days ago I heard Wyatt jokingly alternating rock song titles and lyrics, as I did on fmpoetry yesterday, and have done before.

Using Sun and Insulation to Survive Cold

The sunrise marks the end of POP of course, and when you should look away, as although the sun is undoubtedly a wonderful thing overall, it does have some negatives, in line with greenYgreyism: although the sun of course preceded gYgism, and is much more important/omnipresent!

If you are in a cold weather place now, and heating is a money concern, and have some sunshine, I recommend trying to get as much sunshine in as possible while its shining, as it can help heat a room. Then after it goes down, insulate the windows as much as possible to retain the heat: using bedding, clothes or even spare groceries, such as packets of toilet rolls, tins etc. I write that from a human angle, rather than a sun one!

If you think the sun and I’s love affair is a whirlwind romance, here’s a video from nine years ago:

My first artwork of my adult life was also the sun, in 2003, now over fifteen years ago.

Then it became the cover star (notice that wordplay?) of my magnum opus book:

Australian Open Tennis Highlights

In the glory days of greenYgrey I would have joked without explanation: ‘there was only one winner at the Australian Open… (with I think the expected answer tennis, but my in-joke): gYgPOP (greenYgrey PinkyOrangePurple).

Daring to Wordplay Self-Parody

But these are different times (I think they really are, but dare to still use parody/satire to gYgPOP in-joke): POP ones.

Thanks to the Beeb for their finals highlights, with some great tennis… and these gYgPOP highlights from Melbourne, where Grey of course solo travelled (immortalised in the Werewolf of Oz book) when separated from Greeny, before the Y grew in the middle, the Gs went lower case… and then it all turned POP; perfectly presented in the Melbourne sky during the men’s final (between the Frankenstein and Werewolf of greenYgrey sports, with all respect to them, and thinking neither are as scary as me!).

Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Maps by [Latham, Marc]

Sunrise, Moon and Venus b4 Y-day

The mistYmuse four months new-age paganismĀ winter festival has now crossed the January 21st midway Y-day, leaving the MIST (Most Ideal Sunrise Times) and entered the MUSE (Midwinter Until Spring Equinox) months. I’m sorry if you missed leaving MIST, and there was quite a party over on this site’s fmpoetry sister site, starting with the new YSL advert on January 13th:

Sunrise POP (PinkyOrangePurple)

I featured some sunset photos on this site near the start of the mistYmuse, and here’s some sunrise ones, from early January, with Venus near the moon:

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Space Travellers

As a video I featured on fmpoetry during the Y-day pre-party showed, we are all travellers through space, on our planet, and in our solar system:

Moreover, our brains are like miniature galaxies, as an article and simulation of a black hole forming on MSN made me think that’s how my mind is working while thinking of new concepts and connections while gYgPOPing.

My Y-day blogging was like a mini-break reminder of my epic classic XaW Files: Beyond Humanity 202 episodes; which is like my real life travel history, of big journeys followed by shorter holidays!




I was excited to see it was a misty sunrise for many in Blighty to see in the first commute (beaut commute) of the middle MIST (Most Ideal Sunrise Times, November 21st to January 21st) week. I could claim it; and the fantastic sunny sunset; was the sun and weather gods rewarding me for my work, but I don’t know if it was.

Winter Solstice New Pagan Festival Acronyms

As the mistYmuse (MUSE stands for Midwinter Until Spring Equinox, January 21st to March 21st, seeing sunny warm weather lovers through to the return of the weather they love) new pagan festival grows, in my mind anyway, and concepts I create, I have some new acronyms to celebrate this biggest week of the four months celebration – please consider them my gifts to you if you are a fan – rather than material goods that can destroy the environment; although I don’t want to appear a grinchYscrooge!

There are so many bad things going on in the UK and world I can’t be bothered being an anti-capitalist this week!

The new acronyms are MIWOST and GHOST, which I think both sound quite paganYxmas in line with the season.

MIWOST stands for Most Ideal Week Of Sunrise Times – which we are in now, only three days from midwinter on Friday December 21st.

GHOST stands for Golden Hour Of Sunrise Times – where the sunrise times are now in Blighty, between 8-9am, ideal for the traditional 9-5 working day start time.

POP Research Also Advancing

As the mistYmuse tradition grows with time, so does POPilosophy. For example, I now wonder how POP (PinkyOrangePurple) twilight time photos are, and in what way, rather than just calling them all POP.

In this great gYgPOP (greenYgrey PinkyOrangePurple) photo I just saw on the Standard website (the first search link with the information I was looking for about this year’s Solstice times) it is a subtle combination POP, with a mostly pinky purple sky, and some orange on one side, and yellow on the other. The grass and stones provide the green and grey.

The new POP art was born on the XaW Files: Beyond Humanity travel quest for the greenYgrey world’s pop artist, Andy Wolfhol, who was inspired by Andy Warhol, and whose favourite catchphrase was wolf not war.

XaW Files: Beyond Humanity (Fantasy Travel by Google Maps Book 3) by [Latham, Marc]

Midwinter Most Ideal Sunrise Times Month

I was thinking of updating the mistYmuse today, as it’s over two weeks in now (started November 21st, a month before midwinter) and there are only two weeks until the Winter Solstice, when it will be midwinter in the northern hemisphere. The MIST of mistYmuse stands for Most Ideal Sunrise Time, and now that we are only a fortnight away from December 21st we are in the best four weeks for seeing the sunrise as late as possible, and it is now in the 8-9am hour in Blighty.

Advent Calendarists joined the December party on the 1st of course, and have to wait another four days for their biggest day on the 25th.

I’ve been seeing in the news that lots of people have thankfully been up popping POP (PinkyOrangePurple) pictures, such as this classic one featured on the BBC:

Inkberrow in Worcestershire

I just wrote a blog post on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry, with an update about the POPolution.

Thanksgiving UK: MIST and mistYmuse Eve Days

As the USA prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving, and break up the time between Halloween (Samhain) and Christmas (Midwinter), it’s time once again for greenYgreyliens and POPolutionaries to party like its spring/summer again in the U.K. and northern hemisphere: MIST and mistYmuse (combining MIST [Most Ideal Sunrise Times, November 21st – January 21st] and MUSE [Midwinter Until Spring Equinox, January 21st – March 21st] eves.

The more serious side is that it hopefully helps people who don’t like the winter, such as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) sufferers survive the harsher weather and reduced sunlight of the next four months. I noticed Iceland has a similar strategy when I visited in January, as they keep their winter decorations up until spring!

The positive side to this time of year for me is that sunrises are later in the morning (8-9am, instead of the early hours in midsummer), and there isn’t too long until the sunset twilight time; only about seven or eight hours later.

New Pagan Festival

It’s one of the newest pagan festivals in the human world, but not the only one, and open to non-pagans too of course. The sky is for everybody.

Last year when I was in the USA my visit coincided with the summer Manhattanhenge, when New Yorkers celebrate the best day of the year for the sunset and sunrise lining up between the skyscrapers, as the stone henge builders of prehistoric times built their great structures to receive the light at special times of the year: solstices (December and June) and equinoxes (March and September) around the 21st of the month. I didn’t know about if before, and saw it in the media. It’s also on Wikipedia.

In the UK, Milton Keynes was built with that in mind, I found out after looking up Manhattenhenge on Wikipedia above.

POP if You Want To

As I believe the sky is for everybody, I also think it’s up to you what you see or want to see there. I’ve been pushing POP (PinkyOrangePurple) as the more normal colour combination to the traditional red (pre-POPularised by the red sky at night and red sky in the morning proverbs), but sometimes there is only one or two colours, and there is rare red. So if you see red you see red, and don’t feel under any obligation to POP all the time.

Last week I was lucky to see a pretty good POP sunset. Here’s some photos:

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I wrote about twilight times a lot in XaW Files, when I first noticed the POP (PinkyOrangePurple) dominant colours, sometimes writing at this time of the year. I think it would make a great Winter Solstice Christmas present.

Wolfsburg Make it a Long Way to Akureyri

Another week, another apology to Akureyri. After a triple apology last week, following Wolfsburg Women’s 1-0 win there, with the winner scored by my player of the century, Pernille Harder; and suggesting they adopt the It’s a Long Way to Tipperary song, after neither the greenYgrey or me reached there, I saw that Wolfsburg finished off the job with a 2-0 win in Wolfsburg, with Harder getting the first. Wolfsburg were of course stars of my last fantasy fiction travel quest trilogy, XaW Files: Beyond Humanity.

Respectful Admiration and Parody Comedy, greenYgrey style

To show this is mostly parody comedy, I didn’t even know it was a two-leg tie, or I would have suggested the second leg as a great time to introduce their version of the famous war song.

However, in true greenYgrey style, just because I’m writing it as parody comedy doesn’t mean I don’t take women’s football seriously, or am insincere in my respect and admiration for Pernille Harder and the rest of the Wolfsburg team, or their Akureyri Thor opponents.

There was a mixture of skilful football and hard tackling in the game. Harder took her headed goal coolly well, and curling shots and intricate back-flicks were my highlights from the highlights on YouTube:

I would have loved to have been there, but haven’t received an invite!


Tighnabruaich great greenYgreyish

On the morning of our final day, we travelled west to Tighnabruaich, which is kind of pronounced tea-an’-a-brew-ish, which was apt, because the region had a lot of nice cafes etc. The island of Bute is across from the mainland town, beyond Loch Riddon in the patch of sunlight on the horizon photo and the Kyles of Bute in the green park close-up. The other photo is of a loch while travelling west.

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