Monthly Archives: December 2018


I was excited to see it was a misty sunrise for many in Blighty to see in the first commute (beaut commute) of the middle MIST (Most Ideal Sunrise Times, November 21st to January 21st) week. I could claim it; and the fantastic sunny sunset; was the sun and weather gods rewarding me for my work, but I don’t know if it was.

Winter Solstice New Pagan Festival Acronyms

As the mistYmuse (MUSE stands for Midwinter Until Spring Equinox, January 21st to March 21st, seeing sunny warm weather lovers through to the return of the weather they love) new pagan festival grows, in my mind anyway, and concepts I create, I have some new acronyms to celebrate this biggest week of the four months celebration – please consider them my gifts to you if you are a fan – rather than material goods that can destroy the environment; although I don’t want to appear a grinchYscrooge!

There are so many bad things going on in the UK and world I can’t be bothered being an anti-capitalist this week!

The new acronyms are MIWOST and GHOST, which I think both sound quite paganYxmas in line with the season.

MIWOST stands for Most Ideal Week Of Sunrise Times – which we are in now, only three days from midwinter on Friday December 21st.

GHOST stands for Golden Hour Of Sunrise Times – where the sunrise times are now in Blighty, between 8-9am, ideal for the traditional 9-5 working day start time.

POP Research Also Advancing

As the mistYmuse tradition grows with time, so does POPilosophy. For example, I now wonder how POP (PinkyOrangePurple) twilight time photos are, and in what way, rather than just calling them all POP.

In this great gYgPOP (greenYgrey PinkyOrangePurple) photo I just saw on the Standard website (the first search link with the information I was looking for about this year’s Solstice times) it is a subtle combination POP, with a mostly pinky purple sky, and some orange on one side, and yellow on the other. The grass and stones provide the green and grey.

The new POP art was born on the XaW Files: Beyond Humanity travel quest for the greenYgrey world’s pop artist, Andy Wolfhol, who was inspired by Andy Warhol, and whose favourite catchphrase was wolf not war.

XaW Files: Beyond Humanity (Fantasy Travel by Google Maps Book 3) by [Latham, Marc]

Britain’s Burning, but Sky’s Scintillating

I was looking forward to writing that there’s less than a week now until Midwinter in the northern hemisphere, so we are in the peak fortnight of Most Ideal Sunrise Times ((Nov 21st – Jan 21st) in Blighty, with the sunrise just right for the morning commute for 9am starters, as it’s between 8-9.

Especially as on Monday we had some spectacular sky effects photos on the ITN local news, with sun dogs, iridescent light (I saw that/them in morning and just after sunset) and circumzenithal arcs (below: I hadn’t heard of that sky phenomenon before) from sunrise to sunset).

BBC Anti-White Race Bias

Unfortunately, the Raheem Sterling racism incident overshadowed them, and sent me to the Daily Mail to investigate. There, I found lots of anti-white stories I haven’t seen featured on the BBC, including an Arab banker killing a beautiful white upper-class woman, and how he’d wanted to degrade her, making it sound really racist sexist; there’s been no uproar, or investigation of ‘banker culture’, even though he’s supposed to have spent most of his money on ‘high-class escorts’;

Christina Abbotts failed to turn up to her own birthday celebrations and was found dead in a bed.Zahid Naseem arrives at Lewes Crown Court today 

and sex slavery in Britain rising tenfold in five years. 

I just wrote a blog post on it on this site’s sister site,, so if you want a break from all the white racism news flooding out from the Premier League and BBC this week, please visit there… and if you want to support a woman-lover from a deprived background who battled against academic and workplace groomers to get a PhD and become a published author, trying to balance the race debate while supporting women, even buy a book or two!

Still a Gorgeous Genius to my Enemies, Humble to Fans/Friends

P.S. This blog post’s heading references ‘Babylon’s Burning’ and isn’t to be taken literally, as my ‘Am I E.T. or Yeti’ on fmpoetry seem to have been, by some relatively uneducated people. I was more wondering about my superpowers or alienation from mainstream society than my physical appearance, with the start of Sex Pistols’ Anarchy in the UK in my head: ‘I am an anti-Christ, I am an anarchist…’

If I hadn’t been fighting for women and decent men I could just join the ‘sugar-daddy’ culture that seems to be growing – and I’ve witnessed in uni and work – with all the other ‘nice liberal’ cultural effects since Multicultural Fascism started twenty years ago – like the grooming of hundreds/thousands of mostly white children by mostly Pakistani men!!

I don’t mind good-looking men criticising me, but when it’s men I consider ugly I get peeved; men who only get arrogant because they buy and lie, pressure and predate.

Midwinter Most Ideal Sunrise Times Month

I was thinking of updating the mistYmuse today, as it’s over two weeks in now (started November 21st, a month before midwinter) and there are only two weeks until the Winter Solstice, when it will be midwinter in the northern hemisphere. The MIST of mistYmuse stands for Most Ideal Sunrise Time, and now that we are only a fortnight away from December 21st we are in the best four weeks for seeing the sunrise as late as possible, and it is now in the 8-9am hour in Blighty.

Advent Calendarists joined the December party on the 1st of course, and have to wait another four days for their biggest day on the 25th.

I’ve been seeing in the news that lots of people have thankfully been up popping POP (PinkyOrangePurple) pictures, such as this classic one featured on the BBC:

Inkberrow in Worcestershire

I just wrote a blog post on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry, with an update about the POPolution.