Tag Archives: religion

Spring Equinox Here, in Northern Hemisphere: Free Vitamin D

The Spring Equinox is here, a day earlier than normal although not uncommon, in the Northern Hemisphere, as appropriately reported in The Sun, including a nice POP (PinkyOrangePurple) Stonehenge photo, and explanation that it’s caused by the way planet Earth travels around the sun.

End of mYm1

So I can hereby declare the continuation of the closing ceremony for the first full mistYmuse (Midwinter Ideal Sunrise Times [November 21st to January 21st] – Midwinter Until Spring Equinox [January 21st to March 21st]) winter light festival.

It started yesterday on fmpoetry with some selfYsun-love art branding I did during the festival, and that have now just fully healed, after the last ones were done two months ago.

More Sun than SAD 

I hope mYm helped those who suffer from SAD (Seasonally Affective Disorder) in the most challenging four months of the year, and entertained everybody.

The weather has been pretty average overall, a mild winter here, but as I’ve stated before, it’s about light rather than weather anyway. Our light is predictable, whereas weather fluctuates. This has been proved true over the last month.

It seemed love was in the air in romantic Valentine February, as the sun shone bright and temperatures rose much higher than normal, but then March saw a return to wintry weather. Thankfully, sun and warmer weather have now returned.

New buds are opening, and there’s a whole lotta photosynthesis going on!

Here’s a few photos of the emerging spring:

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Predictable Light 

Whereas the weather has been unpredictable, light has continued spreading earlier and later in the day, as shown on the met office weather forecast:

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It seems a long way from the midwinter December 21st ideal sunrise times of about 08.30, followed not long after by the sunsets of about 15.45.

That was captured for posterity in January (better late than never) on my fmpoetry website, with the sunrise and sunset at the bottom of the screen then; and a bit of an earlier sunrise and later sunset than their late December latest and earliest.

Both those weeks also have mostly cloudy weather, which inspired my Greenygrey original idea, putting a positive green land spin on the normally grey weather, also hoping to conserve green spaces and trees; and some sunshine, which was the main weather reason for putting the Y into the ascendency with the greenYgrey rebranding.

In human terms it was both to support blonde women and show I wasn’t after non-blondes when the Establishment sent me to work in the ‘multicultural’ area of Leeds; or interested in seeing their hair, as some Islamists tried to make out my support for feminists fighting Islamist sexism was all about. Ironically, one of those women told me they don’t like ‘Jews’ around there – probably trying to get Jihadi ‘stripes’ and impress her male controllers!!

At One Under the Sun with Native People

I don’t need to travel the Earth
to be where I feel home
because I’m already
in a pagan state
pagan state of mind.

North American woodhenge sun calendar mirroring British ones and others.
Nice greenYgrey effect as they show how posts marked sunrise at different times of year.

Some great gYgPOP (greenYgreyPinkyOrangePurple) in this.
When the Earth was still clean and pure, civilisations either side of the Atlantic and Pacific worshipped the sun, moon and stars; using them to live with and amongst nature on Earth.
Unfortunately, they also did do some damage to nature, leading to them collapsing in the end.
We still haven’t learnt the lesson!

Thanks to anybody reading this who downloaded my books on Smashwords last week, and anybody who’s already read them.

Yorkshire: Pagan History and Alien UFOs

Before the apparent extent of the child grooming scandals became apparent I would have joked about Yorkshire’s biggest mystery being why it has such a high self opinion, as I did in Wales when I lived there; and that the mystery of why the Nora Battyish  women want attention is explained by them growing up on Last of the Summer Wine. Compo was one of my favourite sitcom characters, but that doesn’t mean I fancied Nora!

However, now I think ‘local pride’ is needed as a defence against invasive cultures, due to the combination of high immigration and a Multicultural Fascism politics and media policy over the last twenty years.

Mysterious Yorkshire by Rupert Matthews

While there is still a lot of greatness in Yorkshire, such as a couple of big lovely national parks, historic towns and villages, and a high-chalk-cliffs coastline including abundant seabirds Rupert Matthews explains why Yorkshire is so proud in his book on its mysteries.

In history, Yorkshire spread across the north to the west coast, so including the Lake District. It is already the biggest county in England if including its four geographical sub-sections together (separated in 1974), and was big enough to be a separate country in its historic form, as it basically was before England formed; and as many still want it to be today.

Pagan Yorkshire

Matthews discusses how the Yorkshire area was separated into tribal areas when the Romans invaded about 2000 years ago. The biggest tribe were the Brigantes, who worshipped one goddess, Brigantia, and controlled the north and west of the region; the Parisii controlled the east, and worshipped multiple ‘pagan’ deities. There are many stone circles and monoliths from that era, including the highest standing stone at Rudston.

Rome introduced Christianity, but after they left, paganism became the norm again after Germanic tribes; such as the Jutes, Angles and Saxons; settled into the vacuum left by the Romans.

After Christianity took hold again after a few centuries, the Vikings brought paganism with them when they invaded. Over the following centuries, Christianity became the norm again, through a mixture of preaching, war and bribery, but pagan beliefs and practises continued, and are still celebrated today. In fact, many ‘Christians’ seem to have more ‘pagan’ beliefs than mildly pagans like me; being more inclined to be superstitious etc.

There are chapters discussing many fairies, witches and ghosts sightings and experiences, and many are very persuasive. There is even a were creature legend known as the barguest (not greenYgrey though) said to roam Ilkley Moor, which also has a stone circle, and regular mysterious lights sightings.

Alien UFO Yorkshire

There was also a famous UFO/alien encounter there in December 1987 (when I’d left the UK!), with a policeman taking photos of ‘something’ (looking old-fashioned greenygrey itself, while the photo is overall greenYgrey):

See the source image

There was an even stranger experience in the Halifax-Todmorden area in November, 1980 (around the time I had my distant UFO experience in Wales) with several policemen seeing UFO’s; some close-up.

Moreover, one of them, Alan Godfrey, under hypnosis recollected being abducted, and had earlier that year investigated a man, Zigmund Adamski, who’d been found dead from shock, staring face-up at the sky on a pile of coal, after disappearing several days earlier.

The strangest and most convincing part was that Adamski had some ointment on him, as if it had been used to tend burn marks, that they still don’t know the composition of; and there were also strange marks found on the body.

I have found out all that barguest/UFO information since writing my parody comedy X-Files fantasy fiction travel book featuring a vegetarian werewolf protagonist:

UFOs: UK Best 100 Cases Documentary

Channel 5 in the UK had a good two hours collection of UFO videos called 100 UFOs Caught On Camera this week, available to watch until March 23rd, but just in UK I think. At least half were really good ones; crafts or lights moving at speeds and angles beyond known human capability, and some looking really big.

One of the best new ones for me, for its veracity; others were more spectacular, but seemed possible fakes or could have been planes, birds or insects; was a National Geographic one. I didn’t even know they had a documentary series about UFOs. Here it is on YouTube:

If you can slow it down, it does really look like a classic big spinning disk with windows/lights.

The editor has commented below it, verifying it as well. Although National Geographic has a good scientific brand reputation, others have fallen below expected standards, so it could all be fake, but as far as I know and think, it looks and sounds genuine.

The Ocean Above: My Personal Theory of Space

Together with the rest of the cases in the programme and elsewhere I think there’s definitely something happening in our sky, atmosphere and space, but don’t know what. I think that’s because it’s currently beyond humanity, as far as I know, rather than there being nothing out there.

The same goes for inside the head, which I investigated a lot in my writing. Advances in science are now answering some of the old philosophical questions. I’ve included both, in greenYgrey and PinkyOrangePurple (POP) technicolour, looking for reflections in the folding mirrors:

Meghan Markle: Tim Burton Character

June Sarpong’s discussion point on Sky News’s The Pledge this week was Meghan Markle: claiming the British media are negative towards her, and that it’s mainly because of race. If I criticise either it will be put down to race.

June Sarpong So Wrong

The main thing I don’t like about June Sarpong now is that a couple of weeks ago she laughingly admitted to claiming she was still vegan to get a big money media assignment – admitting fake news lying journalism with no hint of shame.

The second thing is that she always goes on about race; not the colour of her skin for me, although that is her big issue.

Now though, after fighting Multicultural Fascism for twenty years, and the terrorism and grooming that have benefitted from it, and that I’ve seen and experienced in Leeds, I wouldn’t want a relationship with her.

The things I like about her is that she can be moderate, such as admitting the grooming epidemic did have a racial factor, and supporting Joe Root in the cricket homophobia row. Before I saw her on The Pledge I saw her on Investigation X; a series that included investigating UFOs at Area 51, my current main interest at fmpoetry.wordpress.com, that they concluded were human technology; so respect she was been a good investigative journalist in the past.

Meghan Markle: Bad Role Model

Watching the Meghan Markle show as I think she wants to be seen, I think she wants to be seen as a Tim Burton tragic fairytale; that’s what she reminds me of anyway. I just saw that what I must have most been thinking of, The Corpse Bride, has one of its main taglines: ‘Marriage as a vehicle to wealth and a higher social status.’

See the source image

I think Meghan sees herself, and wants to be seen, as the heroine of the film, who from what I remember of it, beats the posh blonde expected bride: Cressida and Chelsy?

I don’t know about Chelsy, but Cressida seems a much better role model for women, putting her career first: before becoming a princess with all that wealth.

Meghan the Merciless

Meghan seems more of an advert for ruthless women; the kind of career women you see on The Apprentice, bitching and backstabbing their fellow contestants (including other women) for a few dollars more.

She also hasn’t criticised Prince Andrew at all, happily sharing a balcony with him above the common people, despite allegations by her fellow American young women – the main one was blonde, so maybe she doesn’t count!?

Didn’t Like Diana: Attempted Murderer?

For those who want to put my criticisms down to race or anti-Americanism, I didn’t like Diana either. I watched a documentary about her step-mother Raine recently, and wasn’t surprised to see Diana’d pushed Raine down a stairs, badly injuring her, after being horrible to her for years; which could be seen as attempted murder!?

Diana was treated badly, and did some good work for charity, as Harry and Meghan do, but it is expected of them, and they are well rewarded for it.

As I’ve said about the Queen, she has been a great one and person, but can never be as good as a poor person leading the same moral and virtuous life, while struggling with financial and social problems too; I’m not one of them!

Kate and Meghan: Angry Birds 

While I prefer Meghan’s animal welfare and environmental concerns, I think Kate seems the nicer person, or maybe it’s just that she seems the more natural and sincere, because she’s being herself, rather than an actress in another country and culture.

When I heard she’d bought a shotgun to shoot birds for the first time recently I thought it was probably to get back at Meghan, or feeling that she was being pressured by her, after reports of them arguing surfaced.

I think that’s the kind of detrimental effect someone being too pushy can have, and why I try to keep my campaigning moderate. There was a pushy American character in a meal-ticket relationship that seemed to parody Meghan in the latest series of Cuckoo on the BBC. 

When critics apparently say Meghan is no Diana, I think she does have a lot of similarities, but it’s not a compliment!

Princess Kate – no matter how much Meghan annoys you, please give up the bird-killing; it doesn’t become you!

Travel the Mind, Better to Unwind

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but there seems a correlation between what separates our brains (minds) from open air and our planet from space: a protective casing around our brains; the skull; and the atmosphere around our planet. Moreover, neither are fully closed.
Open to the Universe
Furthermore, while they protect us, they also give the impression of separation. Clouds and sunlight in the sky, and clothes and faces on us can increase the divide. Walls and rooves provide another separating layer when indoors.
It’s a well-known maxim of new-age spirituality; inspired by old philosophy I think; that we’re all connected to everything around us, but my thoughts above are new to me as I write.
Travel Pros and Cons
Travel can take you to places where you can feel a good connection; quiet clear sky locations, such as mountains, beaches and deserts.
However, famous locations are often crowded and noisy, so you can often achieve just as much escape and more quiet staying home or local.
Moreover, you don’t cause any environmental or life damage then either. While I admire and often relate to people who start new lives in the wild, they nearly always end up destroying/killing some life.
Angry Transcendence My Beach Boys Love Now
Before writing this blog post I wrote this on the Rose Tattoo Facebook page, introducing my new poem on this site’s sister site, fmpoetry.wordpress.com blog:
Rose Tattoo were one of my biggest inspirations to write poetry, as I declared in my first collection. While it was the angry street songs then, I’m just as interested in Angry’s spirituality now, and attempts at transcendence through music, as he declared in an interview featured in the Easybeats to AC/DC documentary.
Seeing him on stage last year before seeing the documentary, knowing he was into the Bahia faith, I thought he was in a transcendent state, with eyes closed a lot of the time; riding the music during songs, or travelling the past through his mind while talking; like a scarred for life shaman (I quite like that; hope you do too).
I think I have travelled a similar path while writing, but mine is of course simply the writing stage, without the added stimulation of performing a highly successful and appreciated creative catalogue in front of many people. Today, it’s where I’ve been writing this. Yesterday, my stream of consciousness coffilosophy, was this ‘live thought’ on the writing process for my fmpoetry blog.
No Eminem: Slim Shady
While I admire a lot of musicians I don’t have any kind of delusions about them, as depicted by Eminem with Slim Shady.
In fact, I now consider myself too old and rational to rock n’ roll much! After seeing a Beach Boys concert just over a year ago, and looking them up, I related to the warmth of Denis Wilson, the tragic party animal who died young and was the only real beach boy in the group. After reading his nemesis in the group was Mike Love, a much more rational colder man I wanted to side with Denis. I wrote about it on fmpoetry.
However, I now feel more in line with Love, who practises transcendental meditation. I stilly feel empathy and sympathy for Denis Wilson, and admiration for Brian, the genius of the band, but at this moment in time, I am more in mind of Love; mentally that is!
While Mike Love seems quite a cold character, Angry Anderson seems the opposite, but also expressed his desire for transcendence through his music on the Easybeats to AC/DC: The History of Aussie Rock documentary recently shown on the BBC.
I am still greenYgrey enough to think it could all be in my mind, inspired by the one and only Love the mixed-up vole, the anagram that some (neurons in my mind!) consider, stole the XaW Files: Beyond Humanity show!


I was excited to see it was a misty sunrise for many in Blighty to see in the first commute (beaut commute) of the middle MIST (Most Ideal Sunrise Times, November 21st to January 21st) week. I could claim it; and the fantastic sunny sunset; was the sun and weather gods rewarding me for my work, but I don’t know if it was.

Winter Solstice New Pagan Festival Acronyms

As the mistYmuse (MUSE stands for Midwinter Until Spring Equinox, January 21st to March 21st, seeing sunny warm weather lovers through to the return of the weather they love) new pagan festival grows, in my mind anyway, and concepts I create, I have some new acronyms to celebrate this biggest week of the four months celebration – please consider them my gifts to you if you are a fan – rather than material goods that can destroy the environment; although I don’t want to appear a grinchYscrooge!

There are so many bad things going on in the UK and world I can’t be bothered being an anti-capitalist this week!

The new acronyms are MIWOST and GHOST, which I think both sound quite paganYxmas in line with the season.

MIWOST stands for Most Ideal Week Of Sunrise Times – which we are in now, only three days from midwinter on Friday December 21st.

GHOST stands for Golden Hour Of Sunrise Times – where the sunrise times are now in Blighty, between 8-9am, ideal for the traditional 9-5 working day start time.

POP Research Also Advancing

As the mistYmuse tradition grows with time, so does POPilosophy. For example, I now wonder how POP (PinkyOrangePurple) twilight time photos are, and in what way, rather than just calling them all POP.

In this great gYgPOP (greenYgrey PinkyOrangePurple) photo I just saw on the Standard website (the first search link with the information I was looking for about this year’s Solstice times) it is a subtle combination POP, with a mostly pinky purple sky, and some orange on one side, and yellow on the other. The grass and stones provide the green and grey.

The new POP art was born on the XaW Files: Beyond Humanity travel quest for the greenYgrey world’s pop artist, Andy Wolfhol, who was inspired by Andy Warhol, and whose favourite catchphrase was wolf not war.

XaW Files: Beyond Humanity (Fantasy Travel by Google Maps Book 3) by [Latham, Marc]

Viking Pagans Were of their Time, Monotheists Worse in More Recent Times

If I.S. have done one good thing for humanity and the world it is to show the horrors of war; of course, they weren’t meaning to do good for humanity and the world. As Simon Schama pointed out at the start of the Civilisations programme with the account of the killing of Khaled al-Asaad, 82, at Palmyra, for refusing to reveal the whereabouts of art pieces, they were doing it to intimidate and threaten, using new information technology.

Art of the Vikings

My interest in Viking culture (500-1100 AD) was inspired by The Vikings movie (1958), and when I was young it was all about their scenic sailing warriordom; as I was intrigued by wild pagan Native American horseriding culture from Hollywood movies.

However, in modern times; I intended starting my travels by taking the ferry to Bergen, Norway, but then changed them as I waited for the Monsters of Rock in late August, and so headed south straightaway, before reaching there for the Midnight Sun Marathon in 2007; I admire Scandinavia for its democratic civilised qualities and environmental initiatives.

In the latest NASA’s Unexplained Files I liked the story of the skydiver seeing a rock fall near him, causing a year-long search. When a NASA worker worked out it must have fallen from his parachute, the Norwegian investigator said he thought everybody would be angry, but they were all happy and congratulatory, because they’d been honest, and science had worked. That’s the kind of scientific ethos I try to have with my writing and research.

In Secret Knowledge: The Art of Vikings I liked the jadeYgrey Buddha statue they found some Vikings had from the 6th Century Swat Valley in the heart of Asia, which was then Buddhist (about 14 minutes of the documentary).

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Then just after about 20 minutes of the 30 minutes documentary, Dr. Ramirez says she thinks one of the main interests the pagan Vikings first saw in the Christian religion was the part played by fish, as they were a part of their natural folklore too, and they valued living things the most. This thirty-five piece gold, silver and bronze (me: Olympic medals relevance?) Viking fishtail necklace shows their respect:

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Vikings in Historical Context Compared to Monotheism

Inquisition Documentary Shows Christian Horrors

The Yesterday channel series about the Inquisition has showed the horrors of the Christian church in Europe from the 11th Century to the 19th, with the last episode focusing on the British witch trials. Thousands of people were killed, with most being women who were the community healers; or victims of grudges and land grabs. Britain wasn’t as bad as continental Europe, and one man called Matthew Hopkins killed the majority of victims in a three years period 1644-1647.

Muslim Pirates Acting Like Vikings Until 19th Century

Barbary pirates were raiding Europe as the Vikings had done up to the 19th Century, capturing victims for sale as slaves, until European nations united to repel them. Over a million Europeans were enslaved from 1530 to 1780. Some of the enslavers were European ‘converts’.

When I was reading about Iceland around my January visit I saw that it suffered horrific such attacks in 1627, with hundreds of victims killed, and hundreds forced into slavery. (Wikipedia).


I’ve grown out of my childhood and youthful Romantic Viking Hollywood movie inspiration now, and relate more to Odin than Loki of the Valhalla pantheon; wisdom over trickery; especially after seeing the Valhalla Rising film featured heavily in the Scandinavian section of XaW Files!

As Dr. Ramirez pointed out at the end of her Art of the Vikings documentary, the battles for ‘England’ in 1066 were basically a Viking civil war, with the Normans (Norsemen) Vikings who settled in northern France, and those already resident in ‘England’ having strong Viking links after hundreds of years of residency.

I updated my thoughts on the Americas migration, and its connection to the Middle-East, last night on fmpoetry.wordpress.com, arguing that what is most amazing about it is that the Mayans featured similar structures and symbols (500-800 AD) about 20,000 years after their ancestors must have left the Middle-East to start the migration to the Americas, and where the Mesopotamians would signify the importance of the bag-carrying Apkallu around 2500 BC.

I just posted a long article updating my alien space wonder wanderings on this site’s sister site fmpoetry, including more on the Mesopotamian Apkallu featured on this site before. Along the way I found this artist’s interpretation of how ancient humans used to gYgPOP (greenY[ellow]greyPinkyOrangePurple) before the www!:

242 Mirror Poems and Reflections by [Latham, Marc]

Iceland Fairy Angel Elf Pixie (IFAPE) Photograph Evidence?

I’m still an agnostic secularist, bordering on atheism, and with appreciation for nature (mild non-practising [beyond perfect in a self-parody way, scoring 73 on the all new for 2018 parodymeter] neo-paganism). While I’m focusing on Iceland here at the moment, I’d just like to thank my Blighty government for its truly Great Britain plan to plant a million trees over the near future, creating a northern forest, for wildlife and humanity; fighting against flooding. I’ve just seen its been called a ‘ribbon of woodland’, reminding me of I think seeing a ribbon of Northern Lights in Reykjavik.

There was a pristine POP (PinkyOrangePurple) sunrise this morning in Blighty, due to high pressure dominating today, with the sky POPing now at about 7.45, about 30-45 minutes earlier than at the midwinter peak POPing time around December 21st.

goldenYgrandad (age not biological), Inspired by Golden Child

I remember liking Eddie Murphy’s Golden Child movie when I was young, and some of the my first poems wondered if I was special in some pagan way. I guess most people do, as fiction tries to make you relate to the protagonist.

After researching mental health, I put it down to ADHD and Bipolarity, and seeing documentaries by people like Chris Packham and Lotje Sodderland recently, think it might be mild autism/Asperger’s or brain damage! However, I don’t know for sure, and maybe I do have a special relationship with the natural world, like the shamen of traditional societies.

Bjork’s Iceland Pagan Light Returned?

As I wrote in a previous blog Cork Bjork Dork Talk post, I was surprised to see Bjork’s The Gate and Utopia videos related so much to the PinkyOrangePurple (POP) theme of XaW Files: Beyond Humanity; and that she’d started writing it at the end of 2015, drawing inspiration from her Iceland countryside, when I was finishing XaW Files in the Iceland countryside; of course unaware (un-a-were in greenYgrey parlez) of Bjork’s wandering wondering.

I’d already decided to visit Iceland when I found that out about Bjork. I’ve of course always wanted to visit, and finishing my book there provided extra drive, along with cheap EasyJet flights; which were excellent, flying there on time through a storm, and landing in quite heavy snow. It looked beautiful in the snow, but looked even more so when I returned at the end of my trip.

Remembering greenYgreyology, there is a negative to Iceland’s tourism popularity, as many locals are being priced out of housing because so many flats etc are being converted to tourist accommodation. So, sorry to those struggling to get on the housing ladder if I contribute to the ‘problem’.

Borgarnes Sun Light

As I wrote in the last couple of blogs, I set off on a Friday morning at about 10am to have a look around Borgarnes and do a little shopping at the Bonus supermarket; No Rush. A pinky sunrise creating a purply hue above the snowy mountains kept me walking across the bridge:

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The sun didn’t rise over the mountains, but when I neared the end of the Borgarfjordur icy frozen beach I was delighted to see it around a corner, both for its brightness and warmth:

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I was going to take a photo of Borgarnes shining in the sun, but a combination of the brightness and cold hands (despite two pairs of gloves, albeit old ones with some holes!) made me turn the phone camera to ‘selfie’. I saw the sun behind me, so took a photo anyway, as I was nearing the end of the beach, and felt it was an occasion worth remembering.

I couldn’t really see the screen at the time, and it was only when I returned to the warmth, after finally doing my shop, for a couple of hours before going out for four hours Northern Lights view-attempting, that I saw the golden light near my mouth.


The rational in me says its a sunlight reflection, but after watching Bjork’s videos again, I did wonder if it was something to do with the Icelandic pagan light she featured in The Gate:

and Utopia:

I think I have seen such ‘light’, but don’t know if it’s just atmospherics, with the Icelandic air seeming very active, perhaps because of Northern Lights activity providing extra electricity – the end of the recent Lotje Sodderland documentary featured new neurological research finding the brain’s neurons process ‘light’ for their electrical impulses.

Maybe some of that light travels through the brain and body unprocessed, exiting still as ‘light’.