Tag Archives: grooming

Meghan Markle: Tim Burton Character

June Sarpong’s discussion point on Sky News’s The Pledge this week was Meghan Markle: claiming the British media are negative towards her, and that it’s mainly because of race. If I criticise either it will be put down to race.

June Sarpong So Wrong

The main thing I don’t like about June Sarpong now is that a couple of weeks ago she laughingly admitted to claiming she was still vegan to get a big money media assignment – admitting fake news lying journalism with no hint of shame.

The second thing is that she always goes on about race; not the colour of her skin for me, although that is her big issue.

Now though, after fighting Multicultural Fascism for twenty years, and the terrorism and grooming that have benefitted from it, and that I’ve seen and experienced in Leeds, I wouldn’t want a relationship with her.

The things I like about her is that she can be moderate, such as admitting the grooming epidemic did have a racial factor, and supporting Joe Root in the cricket homophobia row. Before I saw her on The Pledge I saw her on Investigation X; a series that included investigating UFOs at Area 51, my current main interest at fmpoetry.wordpress.com, that they concluded were human technology; so respect she was been a good investigative journalist in the past.

Meghan Markle: Bad Role Model

Watching the Meghan Markle show as I think she wants to be seen, I think she wants to be seen as a Tim Burton tragic fairytale; that’s what she reminds me of anyway. I just saw that what I must have most been thinking of, The Corpse Bride, has one of its main taglines: ‘Marriage as a vehicle to wealth and a higher social status.’

See the source image

I think Meghan sees herself, and wants to be seen, as the heroine of the film, who from what I remember of it, beats the posh blonde expected bride: Cressida and Chelsy?

I don’t know about Chelsy, but Cressida seems a much better role model for women, putting her career first: before becoming a princess with all that wealth.

Meghan the Merciless

Meghan seems more of an advert for ruthless women; the kind of career women you see on The Apprentice, bitching and backstabbing their fellow contestants (including other women) for a few dollars more.

She also hasn’t criticised Prince Andrew at all, happily sharing a balcony with him above the common people, despite allegations by her fellow American young women – the main one was blonde, so maybe she doesn’t count!?

Didn’t Like Diana: Attempted Murderer?

For those who want to put my criticisms down to race or anti-Americanism, I didn’t like Diana either. I watched a documentary about her step-mother Raine recently, and wasn’t surprised to see Diana’d pushed Raine down a stairs, badly injuring her, after being horrible to her for years; which could be seen as attempted murder!?

Diana was treated badly, and did some good work for charity, as Harry and Meghan do, but it is expected of them, and they are well rewarded for it.

As I’ve said about the Queen, she has been a great one and person, but can never be as good as a poor person leading the same moral and virtuous life, while struggling with financial and social problems too; I’m not one of them!

Kate and Meghan: Angry Birds 

While I prefer Meghan’s animal welfare and environmental concerns, I think Kate seems the nicer person, or maybe it’s just that she seems the more natural and sincere, because she’s being herself, rather than an actress in another country and culture.

When I heard she’d bought a shotgun to shoot birds for the first time recently I thought it was probably to get back at Meghan, or feeling that she was being pressured by her, after reports of them arguing surfaced.

I think that’s the kind of detrimental effect someone being too pushy can have, and why I try to keep my campaigning moderate. There was a pushy American character in a meal-ticket relationship that seemed to parody Meghan in the latest series of Cuckoo on the BBC

When critics apparently say Meghan is no Diana, I think she does have a lot of similarities, but it’s not a compliment!

Princess Kate – no matter how much Meghan annoys you, please give up the bird-killing; it doesn’t become you!

How ‘Powerful Men’ Control Masses and Women

Over the last fifteen years I seem to have been intermittently at war with powerful men like Harvey Weinstein, and the masses (students, workers and readers) have nearly always sided with them.

Russell Brand

Although Russell Brand had no further education when he launched his Revolution, and I’d spent ten years at university, graduating with a PhD, he was considered worthy of listening to, and even considered one of the most important thinkers of our time.

When the Revolution never got off the ground Brand is welcomed back into the mainstream media world as if nothing happened. Women consider him a revolutionary feminist, despite his Weinstein-style womanising, and never mentioning the grooming scandal, or even expressing any sorrow or regret for the terror attacks in London or the rest of Britain.


As Jane Fonda said in her interview yesterday, the Weinstein boss is more the ubiquitous norm, and that’s the experience I’ve had. The managers usually control the debate, and my image in the workplace, as they’re there much more than me, and can spend hours on the telephone stirring and demonising; as well as gossiping and grooming.

They can do the same with customers in shops, and often live locally to the area they work in, whereas lower ranked workers are just visiting and passing through to work and there for less time. This refers more to my experiences in previous marketplaces I’ve worked in, with the city centre providing a more balanced location.


Enjoying Christmas dinner in my undergraduate house, when I still felt ‘normal’


The two Heads of Department when I was doing my PhD were apparently acting like the stereotypical Weinstein boss. One got engaged to his student/secretary after a conference in Hawaii and chaperoning her, and her him, in lectures and seminars. The other staff members congratulated them, and she acted like the cat who’d got the cream, as if knowing she’d won a great prize. And she was right, fast-tracked to Professor.

When I complained I was considered either jealous of him or her.

In reality, I would have liked a good academic job at the start of my PhD, but had decided to finish as soon as possible and get out after I wasn’t upgraded straight away after the first year (when I had much less supervision than I should have, and nearly all with a trainee supervisor doing her first one, as my main one was the first Head of Department; the main examiner was the second one!), and my appeal took nearly two years to process.

She was a borderline for romance, nothing more.

Demonising the Whistleblower

Although the above are all personal, and influenced by my upbringing in the 1980s, when socialism and unions were still strong, and workers still had rights, I’ve had all kinds of demonisations thrown at me; I presume originating by those in power.

The Russell Brand fans seem to think I’m jealous of him, and/or that I’m an old right-winger, in the way of their colour Revolution! They think Islamism is the cool revolutionary thing, inspired by women who cover up, while their Saudi sisters are trying to go the other way, and other women around the world are losing their freedoms and rights to Islamism. They include white British girls of the Jordan (Katie Price) generation who only know grooming and gratification; monetary value is all, care and consideration is creepy.

Workplace managers work the staff and locals against me either by saying I’m not really one of them; a full-time company worker for staff, or a local-to-the-area person for customers. While I don’t mind those, as they are true, they also lie and spin to increase their hold on the workplace, and lessen my popularity: I don’t like the area, I don’t support the local team, I don’t like their nationality/ethnicity, I only complain because I’m a competitor for their job/grooming target, I’m interested in them sexually etc.

I think the same or similar was true in university, but they put me complaining and leaving more down to not liking the university, or because I didn’t like the city, or the class system. The latter was partially true, as I wanted to research how multiculturalism was diminishing class equality, and especially the grooming scandal that was still simmering under the surface at the time, and which would continue for another decade. I was never offered a job, as some people seem to think.

Bleak Blighty

I must admit I was looking for such scandals, being a 1960s-inspired critical theorist, but I thought the scandal and power control attitudes were only at the top, and that the masses were generally critical. Unfortunately, I’ve found the attitudes are ingrained in British and Irish culture, and that the ‘new cultures’ of multiculturalism are just as bad or worse.

Moreover, the Jordan generation seem likely to be as bad or worse, mixing the worst aspects of traditional power, Brand sexploitation and the paedophilic sexism of ‘new cultures’. The old union jobs are dying, and they are being replaced by zero contract style jobs, with no rights, and applicants forced into a ‘get the job at any costs’ outlook.

Can a bright brave new world like women are calling for after the Weinstein scandal emerge in such a culture. Not if the majority of students and workers are going to put their university or workplace brand first, and people second; and listen to the bollocks spoken by their great leaders as they try to groom them!

Marc Latham’s books are available on Amazon.

Harvey Weinstein, Russell Brand, British Hierarchy, Africa and the Male Norm

Russell Brand was recently in the media saying he’s skint because he’s given so much money away, being such a nice man, yet his new book is called Recovery! The last print interview I saw of his he was happy boating in posh Henley!! After his previous book was called Revolution, with masked Anonymouses (Anonymi?) calling him to lead them in a physical revolution against Westminster, maybe the third in Russell’s three Rs trilogy will be a Malcolm McLaren’s Sex Pistols-style Great Rock n’ Roll Swindle admission: Rip-Off or Rubbish.

Apparently, according to the news today, people mainly buy books to show them off on Instagram anyway!

Russell Brand and Harvey Weinstein

I don’t know if Russell Brand worked with Harvey Weinstein, but I’m sure Weinstein would have admired Brand, and therefore given him work. Brand apparently seemed like the next Jimmy Savile to some critics around him during his Revolution, but he was still worshipped and lauded by the Left and mainstream media, even though he’d obviously just read a bit of Chomsky to anybody who’d studied politics and international relations at university.

Since I complained about the Harvey Weinstein type hierarchy I’ve come into contact with my work has dried up, and I’m still in dispute with my university department over a decade after graduating.

While men treat you as either a homosexual threat or a gender traitor, some women also treat you as a weirdo if you don’t act like the Weinstein – Brand too; like the male sexist cliché to being rejected by a woman of ‘she must be a lesbian’; a tight gay b*****d if you’re not trying to buy and bed them, with continuous compliments!

When British and European men try to treat them with more care and consideration they go looking for a ‘real man’ in other cultures and races!

Scandinavia not Africa

While the British media loves to cover American black rights protests it has ignored mine against class prejudice and sexual exploitation at university and in work – some of it with the support of the ‘multicultural majority’, who consider ‘white trash’ like me in the way of their ‘revolution’.

Has Russell Brand ever complained about the U.K.’s twenty years grooming scandal, or voiced any other such concerns about sexploitation in the media or anywhere? I don’t know of any. Comparing himself favourably in bed to then chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne was about the height of his class-gender protest I can remember! Yet he’s serenaded as a great male feminist by Loose Women etc.

While there seem to be daily news reports of American black rights protests, there are very few about women crime victims, or the ‘white trash’ who are also suffering – giving a racist polarised view of what is really a gun and violence problem affecting all. While I don’t agree with unnecessary police violence against anyone, I saw a documentary about it earlier in the year that showed white people were also getting killed by trigger-happy police (understandable at times in the violent society they work), yet they hardly ever feature on news reports. As reported after the Las Vegas shooting, there were 15,000 gun deaths in the U.S.A. last year: 300 a week.

Lynyrd Skynyrd, Symbols, Africa, Caribbean etc

As immigration from Africa and Asia has increased in the U.K., so has gun crime, gang violence and sexual exploitation such as grooming; it’s not all down to immigration of course, and has always been a part of our society. I’d like to write all the world’s problems are down to Islamists, but it is not, as a horrific story from the Congo in the news today reports.

I know that’s an extreme case, but Africa is not the idyllic paradise some Africans like to make out. I’ve seen some Africans on T.V. recently wearing Africa jewellery. Lynyrd Skynyrd were criticised for displaying a Southern flag on stage, but Africans in the U.K. can wear geographical Africa jewellery as if it’s a shining example of human rights! That’s where all the people are trying to escape from!

One African woman in a debate about contraception and the Catholic Church’s opposition to it; note the Pope was this week saying Europe should do more for refugees – refugees partly caused by overpopulation because he and his church oppose birth control! – said African women weren’t going to listen to the West’s call for birth control.

Yet they expect Europe and the West to act as a release valve for overpopulation! We’ve left Africa and Asia (colonies) because that’s what they said they wanted, but now a lot of Africa and Asia seems to want to come to Europe, and especially cold wet Blighty! If you believe in a monotheistic god then you should be willing to die for it, and go to heaven or paradise; if you believe in your continent and race, then you should stay and fight for it. I know that is impossible for some people, but not all the boat-loads risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean.

I think black lives matter, but I also think that the group of that name can seem selfish, and ignores the rest of the people, such as women and white working-class, who are also victims; sometimes of the police, and sometimes of non-white people; not to mention the Native Americans whose country it really is; or the Latin Americans, Chinese and Asians who work hard and seem under-represented.

As I said a decade ago, British society and media seems to focus 90% of its prejudice focus on white against non-white racism, largely ignoring white and women victims. That’s why the white children grooming scandal went uncovered for twenty years, and why we seem to be heading towards an Africa-America social dystopia rather than a Scandinavian utopia (before all their immigration anyway – although a lot of it was apparently mythical anyway!).

It seems as if when non-white people complain about whites they are called justified heroes, when whites do the same about non-whites they are called racists!

I suffered racism and prejudice around the world while travelling, although that was dwarfed by all the good experiences, but then when I went to university in my own country I was treated as some kind of redneck who’d just arrived in the city from the hills, and needed some prejudice to get me in line – often by non-whites and their leftie-liberal supporters – who hate white western society, with Jewishness a particular bane; I’m not Jewish, but like with the Nazis nose-measuring, looks count, and they ignore or don’t know about all the great Britons in history with big noses(we even used to be known as the long-noses) or those around the Mediterranean (like Yasser Arafat for example)!

The anti-Nazi left seem to support all the opponents of Britain and the West (and Serbs, Buddhists and Hindus) such as Ireland and the Arabs, without knowing, or ignoring, that the majority of Irish and Arabs were in fact allies of the Nazis in World War Two; admittedly allied in opposition to their common enemies rather than necessarily ideological.

Gender and Race

Scandinavia always dominates the best gender, sexuality environmental and media freedom league tables, as the greenygrey world map below shows on politics, yet it hardly ever enters the news and current affairs coverage, which is nearly always dominated by Africa and the Middle-East, along with our immigration (apart from some Europeans in recent years), and the increasing claims (and instances) of ‘racism’ that mass immigration almost inevitably brings.

The more immigrants we welcome, the more racist we’ll look – with Grenfell a disaster waiting to happen.

While the British media seem to think they are doing their duty focusing on white racism, the flip side is that they omit racism against whites, and especially women; and that other prejudices such as gender obviously lose out, and are therefore likely to go backwards in society – towards Africa, Asia and the Middle-East rather than Scandinavia.

While the media focuses on white racism, ‘minority gender crimes’ such as female genital mutilation go largely unreported, and while there have been many prosecutions for white race crimes (increasing since Islamist atrocity crimes provoked retaliation) there’s been none for FGM!

Race matters, but gender doesn’t?

If Quentin Tarantino isn’t involved in the Harvey Weinstein scandal maybe he could make a movie about white slavery now to balance out the good movie, Django Unchained, as I think such Hollywood movies provide a foundation for black victimhood and white shame-hate.

It might help prevent Jihadis like Sally Jones, or Taylor Momsen of The Pretty Reckless exclaiming she wants to be black; providing a foundation for their beliefs; topped off by the extreme videos of I.S. etc.

Race not only Prejudice

There’s a lot white history to be ashamed of, but there’s a lot of black too, and all the other hues of humanity. While I was a critical theory student inspired by the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s I’m now sick of it dominating the media agenda, while women of all colours are the bigger victims, in the U.S.A., U.K. and world.

Moreover, while lefties call for the Falklands to be given away when they weren’t populated when Britain arrived, nobody is calling for the Caribbean to be given back to the Native Americans who were living there when the Europeans and Africans (admittedly mostly as slaves originally) arrived!

I don’t call for an end to black protest and media coverage, I just call on the media to show some balance, and black protestors to consider some other victims and the under-represented; as well as residents of other countries and continents, and the environment.

Marc Latham’s books are available on Amazon.

Grenfell Government – Immigration Balance Needed

I signed a petition for better sprinkler systems in multi-storey housing yesterday, and added this statement on Facebook:

I want safe housing for everybody, which I think depends on both a responsible government policy, and limits on immigration so there is enough room and funds for those needing social housing in this country. If there are too many people, and not enough housing and money, then disasters like this are more likely to happen.

Immigration a Factor on Public Spending

However the Grenfell disaster happened, it wasn’t directly caused by immigration, but it may have risen the number of casualties: that of course wasn’t the fault of the people involved.

However, the exponential rise in immigration over the last twenty years may have been a factor, as there is less public money to go around, and more people to accommodate – thus, less money for each housing complex. I don’t know if there should still be enough money to go around, but just going from logic, it seems as if it must be a factor?

New Labour left parliament with a note saying they’d spent all the money. Corbyn’s Labour plans to spend even more, as well as having an open borders policy on immigration, without explaining where the money’s going to come from… increasing our deficit for future generations? Are the Conservatives now spending money on the right things? I don’t know.

Immigration Causes Environmental Problems

There was a similar problem after the tragic death from asthma of a girl, and the mother was reported as suing the government because of pollution in London, claiming it as a causal factor.

I have particular sympathy for the mother and daughter in this case, as I have suffered asthma most of my life, and had many nearly all sleepless nights when young, sitting up in bed because it was too uncomfortable to lie down, maybe falling asleep in the end, but only when too tired. I had to have the doctor up to the house a few times in emergencies when young, while on the road I had a couple of bad attacks after getting colds in damp conditions.

I don’t know if the mother’s case has gone ahead, or if it’s been successful if it has, but I think it should only go ahead and be successful if the mother is also calling for controls on immigration, rather than just criticising the government for their policy.

Hong Kong (when U.K.) and Dubai Examples

What’s this got to do with travelling you may ask. Well, I’ve stayed in a lot of dodgy places while travelling the world on a shoestring. I lived on the 16th floor of Chungking Mansions in Hong Kong for a few months in 1990, and we used to joke about what a death-trap it was renowned to be, and how we’d have no chance if there was a big fire. It was more of a hotel and shopping complex than just housing, but Grenfell reminded me of it.

Then after Grenfell, a similar housing skyscraper in Dubai went up in flames in a similar way, and there were no fatalities.

What was the difference between Dubai and Grenfell/Chungking? I don’t know for sure, but it seems to have been a properly planned construction without cutting costs. Dubai is a rich country anyway I think, but the United Arab Emirates also has a strict immigration policy, and weren’t even taking refugees from Syria the last I heard – compared to Europe taking millions.

Politics and construction should be about good planning and decisions, creating the best conditions for the most people possible with the money available, not just piling as many people as possible up in dangerous conditions – if things go wrong, the survivors are just likely to sue anyway, and need compensation, taking away even more public funds.

In contrast, the government has apparently been reluctant to compensate child victims of the grooming epidemic that was ignored for a decade or two, mostly under New Labour, who started off the era of mass-relatively-uncontrolled immigration.


The main point of this blog post has been to call for a proper government strategy to make sure there are no more skyscraper deaths like Grenfell. I think that means having strict rules on immigration and building, and not an anarchic system either on borders or in building – more like my writing career than my building one, as I was a bit of a headless chicken cowboy labourer there – which does sound a bit like my spontaneous prose coffilosophy I suppose, but I have learnt to structure and format it as well, and am proud of my book constructions.

I hope all the innocent and good victims of Grenfell get their lives back on track, and the mother of the asthma victim gets the justice she deserves, but I also want the best for my demographic, and think we’ve been overlooked and largely ignored all my life – from the attacks against the unions in my 1980s youth, through New Labour neglecting us, to the Con-Dem cuts and now being caught in the middle of Conservatives being more interested in cutting public spending and Corbynistas catering more for race and immigration than class and tradition.