Tag Archives: multiculturalism

Meghan Markle: Tim Burton Character

June Sarpong’s discussion point on Sky News’s The Pledge this week was Meghan Markle: claiming the British media are negative towards her, and that it’s mainly because of race. If I criticise either it will be put down to race.

June Sarpong So Wrong

The main thing I don’t like about June Sarpong now is that a couple of weeks ago she laughingly admitted to claiming she was still vegan to get a big money media assignment – admitting fake news lying journalism with no hint of shame.

The second thing is that she always goes on about race; not the colour of her skin for me, although that is her big issue.

Now though, after fighting Multicultural Fascism for twenty years, and the terrorism and grooming that have benefitted from it, and that I’ve seen and experienced in Leeds, I wouldn’t want a relationship with her.

The things I like about her is that she can be moderate, such as admitting the grooming epidemic did have a racial factor, and supporting Joe Root in the cricket homophobia row. Before I saw her on The Pledge I saw her on Investigation X; a series that included investigating UFOs at Area 51, my current main interest at fmpoetry.wordpress.com, that they concluded were human technology; so respect she was been a good investigative journalist in the past.

Meghan Markle: Bad Role Model

Watching the Meghan Markle show as I think she wants to be seen, I think she wants to be seen as a Tim Burton tragic fairytale; that’s what she reminds me of anyway. I just saw that what I must have most been thinking of, The Corpse Bride, has one of its main taglines: ‘Marriage as a vehicle to wealth and a higher social status.’

See the source image

I think Meghan sees herself, and wants to be seen, as the heroine of the film, who from what I remember of it, beats the posh blonde expected bride: Cressida and Chelsy?

I don’t know about Chelsy, but Cressida seems a much better role model for women, putting her career first: before becoming a princess with all that wealth.

Meghan the Merciless

Meghan seems more of an advert for ruthless women; the kind of career women you see on The Apprentice, bitching and backstabbing their fellow contestants (including other women) for a few dollars more.

She also hasn’t criticised Prince Andrew at all, happily sharing a balcony with him above the common people, despite allegations by her fellow American young women – the main one was blonde, so maybe she doesn’t count!?

Didn’t Like Diana: Attempted Murderer?

For those who want to put my criticisms down to race or anti-Americanism, I didn’t like Diana either. I watched a documentary about her step-mother Raine recently, and wasn’t surprised to see Diana’d pushed Raine down a stairs, badly injuring her, after being horrible to her for years; which could be seen as attempted murder!?

Diana was treated badly, and did some good work for charity, as Harry and Meghan do, but it is expected of them, and they are well rewarded for it.

As I’ve said about the Queen, she has been a great one and person, but can never be as good as a poor person leading the same moral and virtuous life, while struggling with financial and social problems too; I’m not one of them!

Kate and Meghan: Angry Birds 

While I prefer Meghan’s animal welfare and environmental concerns, I think Kate seems the nicer person, or maybe it’s just that she seems the more natural and sincere, because she’s being herself, rather than an actress in another country and culture.

When I heard she’d bought a shotgun to shoot birds for the first time recently I thought it was probably to get back at Meghan, or feeling that she was being pressured by her, after reports of them arguing surfaced.

I think that’s the kind of detrimental effect someone being too pushy can have, and why I try to keep my campaigning moderate. There was a pushy American character in a meal-ticket relationship that seemed to parody Meghan in the latest series of Cuckoo on the BBC

When critics apparently say Meghan is no Diana, I think she does have a lot of similarities, but it’s not a compliment!

Princess Kate – no matter how much Meghan annoys you, please give up the bird-killing; it doesn’t become you!

Liberia to Overtake U.K. on FGM Soon… Won’t Take Much! 0-0 now!!

Not being an expert on Liberia I didn’t know that the outgoing President is a female when I posted yesterday, congratulating George Weah on becoming the new one. I only found out today, when I saw an online media story that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s last action was to outlaw Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

One Prosecution to Overtake Multicultural Fascist U.K. 

Although it is banned in the U.K. there’s never been a successful prosecution, meaning Liberia will only need one to overtake the U.K. in the battle against it.

While the British media concentrate on glamour women at social and sports events, behind closed doors women are suffering much more than ever under Multicultural Fascism, but it seems to be an Out of Sight, Out of Media attitude for the headline news.

British Media Society Hollywoodises Everything

While I have nothing against Oprah Winfrey, I think Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is a better role model for the feminist movement, being a successful politician, but hardly anybody has heard of her; I hadn’t anyway.

After we had Russell Brand the Hollywood star millionaire anti-capitalist revolutionary, we’ve now got Oprah Winfrey, the Hollywood star millionaire feminist leader.

At the start of the greenYgrey 15 years ago I wrote that a 5p charge on supermarket plastic bags was a token gesture, and wouldn’t make enough difference, and I think I’ve been proven right by the Blue Planet II science and reaction.

I view the current Hollywood gender equality bubble similarly too little, and as Elon Musk is trying to bring big change to automobiles, I think we need a similar outlook for gender: which means targeting big cultural issues rather than those showing their legs on stage at sporting events or in the television studio; it was quite ironic that women wearing short skirts on the BBC today were talking about glamour girls being banned from sporting events!

And hopefully to prove those who thought yesterday’s blog post was ‘racist’ wrong, and that it was a critique of the Hollywood-celebrity-luvvie-obsessed-British-media, and how they focus on the famous tip of the iceberg while largely ignoring the big bulk of gender inequality in Multicultural Fascist Britain, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is black:

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf February 2015.jpg

I don’t know much about Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, but I think I’m safe in wishing her good luck in her time after office.

Reluctantly Enlightened World Experiencer: Putting Pseudo-Alphas in Their Place, with 1994 Native Bolivian Solstice Photos

In my list of inspirations for staying out of trouble yesterday, and ignoring the baiters; Nietzsche superman, Martial Arts control and Christian turning the other cheek; I forgot Buddhist Enlightenment. For most of my travels and university life I was more into lazing and partying than learning and participating, but I usually went along with it as much as my mind would, learnt what I could and added it to my life experience.

My Life, My Mind, My Writing

Some things I chose to do myself, either learning about them from the media or other people; while other things I followed others; the good I followed didn’t expect anything in return, the bad amongst them seemed to think they were buying shares in me, like an investment banker; yes, they were mostly from the fake university and counterculture localities, epitomised by Russell Brand, who think they are so above everybody else they replace a plain and simple cash economy for a favours one, and as they are so at the top as pseudo-alphas of their pseudo communities they think every body owes them, and they owe nobody!

I did have some nice times in the Yorkshire countryside with them, and at parties they threw (I now view the parties as their  investments attempts, and saw them then as power plays), on their initiative, but that was all, and it was just stuff I’d done before all my life, and all around the world; adding to my life experiences rather than a ‘big bang’ or ‘revolution’.

I grew up in a small town with a hippy commune on its doorstep, and lots of counterculture people in the hills surrounding it; and their offspring; who’d dropped out and escaped there in the 1960s and 1970s. After getting into rock and metal in 1980, I always had one foot in the ‘town’ and one in the ‘counterculture’, until giving it up altogether around 2000.

Adding another space-life metaphor, to my ‘Event Horizon’ for that time when you’re drunk at the point of being paralytic, and want to stay there, and think you can, but the gravity drag of oblivion is too strong; or the greenYgrey world starting with a BB and ending with a supernova.

The metaphor is that I think I and most people feed off other people that inspire them; or irritate them, as negative energy can work the other way, propelling you in a different direction; as humanity has learnt to use the gravity of other planets as a kind of slingshot to propel their craft faster and farther, such as Cassini, which used Venus as a gravity assist to fuel it to the outer solar system, where it found geyser plumes on Enceladus and methane lakes on Titan.

As an aid to memory
remembering greenYgrey history
with acronymony rather than acrimony
geyser plumes on Enceledus is GPE
neighbour to general post office GPO
while methane lakes on Titan is MLT
like a moon to bacon. lettuce. tomato BLT.
(The first greenYgrey ramble remembered North America by acronym creation)

Voyager 2 also did this:

I’ve met some nice and inspiring people during the greenYgrey years, such as younger members of my demographic in work such as PS and LM, who I think need ‘Google-style work environments’ to be happy and fulfil their potential; and higher managers like S and C, or junior managers like N and K, who were nice to the end; like me and Asperger’s sufferer Chris Packham, as he said in his documentary, and I’ve hinted at before in my blog posts and of course my greenYgrey trilogy travelled mostly by Google Maps.

I thought Google opening a digital garage in the city I live in, the city of [Chilis song]) might be my ticket out, but a non-white-male similar to bullies at university who consider you racist if you don’t do what they want, and gay if you do (their homophobia) dampened the enthusiasm of a woman who’d been positive, by saying it was making fun of people and places – an example of the political correctness that only seems to work one way, and why I now largely distrust and dislike that demographic, when I was very positive towards them until Multicultural Fascism, and working with them at university and in their locality (where white people don’t usually want to go, as they face constant prejudice and persecution by some, while others from their local demographics are nice and positive, and some are even critical of the new immigrants just wanting an easy time, when they arrived in the Windrush 1950s, when the Establishment was sending white British children to be abused elsewhere in the Commonwealth – making me wonder if New Labour’s Multicultural Fascism in the 1990s was the end game of a mixing ethnicities Establishment policy started in the 1950s – maybe intended for good reasons in response to the Nazis one-race policy, but often causing and ending in sadistic child abuse no better than the Nazis, and the race tensions, conflicts and terrorism threats now).

Time for New Inspiration: such as Evo Morales

Evo Morales 2011.jpg

I have tried to be a man-of-the-people, and servant to women, but I feel that now I must try to write from where I feel my head is, in the enlightened clear sky above the clouds of culture; rising above the Islamism that the Establishment is trying to introduce as the next big cloud; keeping the masses in the dark battling about whose monotheistic god is the best, while the elite hold on to their greater knowledge and truth, from a time before that, when humanity thanked the sun during the day, and studied the stars at night.

In 1994 I went to my first ‘pagan’ prehistoric site, not having got to the Stonehenge Festival, as many ‘hippies’ from my town did each year. The native Bolivians on the edge of La Paz just used plants for their solstice rituals at Tiwanaku, replacing animal sacrifices, showing a civil consideration many other religions (kosher and halal barbaric killing policies) could learn from.

I was delighted native Bolivian, Evo Morales, was elected president in 2006, twelve years after my visit, and is still in office. I would have liked to have been like that with my writing, but the British Establishment doesn’t seem as benign as the Bolivian, and/or the British people not as strong and/or intelligent! Multicultural Fascism clouded out class identity and communities, and the media call native white rights racist!!

As I remember it I heard about it from other travellers in the hotel I was staying at, and went with them, quite reluctant to get up early to catch the bus out to the site (same for the El Choro trek) for the two-hours journey west to Tiwanaku, more interested in watching the 1994 World Cup, but I would be back for the games that day. Here’s some photos:

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