Tag Archives: politics

Ozzy and Out… With Rock Star Celebrity Academic Self-Parody Satire

I hope the mistYmuse helped you through the four darkest months in the northern hemisphere, and you all have a great eight months of spring, summer and early autumn/fall. Here’s a bonus blog post from Facebook this morning. You can join me there or on LinkedIn, or contact me at greengrey@gmail.com. Hope to see you for mistYmuse 2019/20 on November 21st…

Self-Parody Satire Encore

I’m going to act like the proper academic I trained to be by studying a PhD: assigning myself ‘eight months research leave’. Unfortunately without their full pay and a sexy secretary!

Possible ‘celebrity’ reactions to this new Osbournes video that you won’t see on breakfast news, after Lorraine Kelly won a tax battle against HMRC by claiming her breakfast news appearances were an act: she said she plays the nice, happy role ‘Lorraine Kelly’ persona as dictated by her bosses.
I’ve been saying this for years, and been castigated for daring to question ‘lovely celebrities’, right up to princesses Diana and Meghan.
The NZ PM is the latest who looks very fake, but it is a role she has to play! Not that I support the shooting, or think she does.
I’m in line with the left-wing and Russell Brand’s beloved Chomsky there: ‘Manufactured News’; which I read a decade before Brand was lauded for repeating it, and calling for a real revolution, leading his followers on Westminster. The NZ shooting is what a real revolution looks like Russell, who’s now enjoying life on Celebrity Bake Off!

Self-Parody Personas Reaction to Osbourne Children Video

A Lorraine Kelly ‘paedo persona’: sexy.
A Lorraine Kelly ‘white supremacist persona’: hope for the future.
A Lorraine Kelly ‘animal rights persona’: at least they’re not biting birds’ heads off!

The above is self-parody satire, and in no way reflects my real views. It’s the kind of satire seen on mainstream television satire shows, so I don’t think I’m out of line.
In my real view, I think the video is sweet, but don’t know if it should be shared online.

I also hope Ozzy gets better soon, but stops promoting and celebrating the biting of bats and birds!

Yesterday I ended the season on fmpoetry by supporting poor Amber Rudd, castigated for using the term ‘colour’ recently by Diane Abbott and the media, after Gemma Chan used it to support herself playing white roles, after all the whitewashing debate in media studies over the last decade: a debate I was basically excluded from, for being too stale, pale and male!

Spring Equinox International Day of Happiness and mistYmuse End Eve

The northern hemisphere spring equinox is today, at about 1600/1700 in the U.K., so it’s quite easy to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. However, it must be harder for people in the southern hemisphere, with today marking the beginning of autumn, and the end of the warmer months.

March equinox illustration

Happiness is Relative

There are a lot of people who find it difficult to be happy in the northern hemisphere too, and that’s where things like society and culture make a difference. Iceland is one of the ‘happiest’ countries despite being one of the coldest.

That’s mostly why I set up the mistYmuse (Midwinter Ideal Sunrise Times and Midwinter Until Spring Equinox) to bring some happiness to the most difficult months, covering November to March.

I could have been saying it was timed right this year (although not the day, as it falls on the 20th this year, rather than 21st, as it sometimes does), with a mini-freeze just ending in time for today, but I just saw another one is forecast for the Easter weekend in a couple of weeks. At least there’s more light than darkness now, with more chance of warming sun when it’s shining through the cloud.

Happy Guilt

U.K. comedy great Ken Dodd passed away recently, and one of his regular topics and subject of a song was happiness. I was thinking then that I would probably be happier if I focused on entertainment, instead of feeling obliged to write about the negatives of the world, mostly due to having been to university and studying politics and international communications, and wanting to ‘make a difference’; knowing I can only try and slow the planet’s decline down, due to human overpopulation and consumption; which brings me into direct conflict with the general theme of global human happiness… in the short term anyway… as future generations will be happier if they have a cleaner planet with lots of other species!

Stephen Hawking, who of course inspired the greenYgrey parody comedy science correspondent, Stephen Wolfing, also passed away recently. He seemed happy, having fought against the most debilitating illness, showing there are different ways to find happiness, and sometimes adversity provides the opportunity for personal greatness… as in Buddhist enlightenment or Nietzsche’s superness, which can provide happiness whatever the situation.

Comedy Philosophy

Anyway, I have become too greenYgrey, and will leave you with some Ken Dodd happiness to enjoy the special day, in whatever way, wherever you are. In the obituaries I was also reminded of Dodd’s 1960s (my birth decade) Knotty Ash Diddy Men, which could have been an early influence on my greenYgrey fantasy fiction, although I didn’t remember them at the time!:

Wikipedia: The Diddy Men have a song, once released as a single, titled “The Song of the Diddy Men”, sung in a high pitched, chipmunk style voice. It includes the chorus: “We are the Diddy Men, Doddy’s dotty Diddy Men, We are the Diddy Men who come from Knotty Ash”. Another song “Doddy’s Diddy Party” featured the refrain – “tonight’s the night the Diddy Men paint the town, we’ll lose our blues, and let our Diddy hair down”. There were several other songs including Diddycombe Fair – a spoof of the well-known West Country song Widecombe Fair.

Liberia to Overtake U.K. on FGM Soon… Won’t Take Much! 0-0 now!!

Not being an expert on Liberia I didn’t know that the outgoing President is a female when I posted yesterday, congratulating George Weah on becoming the new one. I only found out today, when I saw an online media story that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s last action was to outlaw Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

One Prosecution to Overtake Multicultural Fascist U.K. 

Although it is banned in the U.K. there’s never been a successful prosecution, meaning Liberia will only need one to overtake the U.K. in the battle against it.

While the British media concentrate on glamour women at social and sports events, behind closed doors women are suffering much more than ever under Multicultural Fascism, but it seems to be an Out of Sight, Out of Media attitude for the headline news.

British Media Society Hollywoodises Everything

While I have nothing against Oprah Winfrey, I think Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is a better role model for the feminist movement, being a successful politician, but hardly anybody has heard of her; I hadn’t anyway.

After we had Russell Brand the Hollywood star millionaire anti-capitalist revolutionary, we’ve now got Oprah Winfrey, the Hollywood star millionaire feminist leader.

At the start of the greenYgrey 15 years ago I wrote that a 5p charge on supermarket plastic bags was a token gesture, and wouldn’t make enough difference, and I think I’ve been proven right by the Blue Planet II science and reaction.

I view the current Hollywood gender equality bubble similarly too little, and as Elon Musk is trying to bring big change to automobiles, I think we need a similar outlook for gender: which means targeting big cultural issues rather than those showing their legs on stage at sporting events or in the television studio; it was quite ironic that women wearing short skirts on the BBC today were talking about glamour girls being banned from sporting events!

And hopefully to prove those who thought yesterday’s blog post was ‘racist’ wrong, and that it was a critique of the Hollywood-celebrity-luvvie-obsessed-British-media, and how they focus on the famous tip of the iceberg while largely ignoring the big bulk of gender inequality in Multicultural Fascist Britain, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is black:

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf February 2015.jpg

I don’t know much about Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, but I think I’m safe in wishing her good luck in her time after office.

Gender Equality is a Historically White European Movement… in the ‘West’ Anyway

To clarify the contents of this blog post, it is a critique of the British media coverage of the recent feminist movement, by a PhD graduate who majored on the British media.

Although European countries and Australia top the gender equality league tables the British media seem to be trying to make it out to be an American thing, with Oprah the Queen after one speech!

The U.S.A. is generally mid-table in gender equality, while the U.K. lags behind it.

The modern feminist movement can be traced back to a white British woman, Mary Wollstonecraft, mother of Frankenstein-writer Mary Shelley; and inspiration for greenYgrey world philosophy literature correspondent, and star of XaW Files: Beyond Humanity, Mary Wolfstonecraft. Other notable women included the mostly white Suffragettes, and white Frenchwoman Simone de Beavoir in the 1960s.

While black women have been great civil rights leaders, such as Rosa Parks, they have usually suffered the serial cheating of their men, with even great Civil Rights leaders such as Martin Luther-King and Cassius Clay/Muhammed Ali known for their affairs; no worse than white ones like Bill Clinton and Jake LaMotta of course.

Obama seemed to buck the trend, but maybe only because Michelle kept him on a tight rein; such as when he was flirting with another country’s leader!

I know people will say I’m only jealous, and/or racist, but I’m just trying to be honest, in a Multicultural Fascist country that seems to be using race to close down freedom of speech.

Were to Weah: Good Luck Liberia

Remembering the greenYgrey’s were theme, I was delighted to see ex-footballer George Weah become President of Liberia, a year younger than me at 51, and wish him and Liberia luck, without a white person in sight.

Image result for george weah president government

Africa and Asia wanted liberation from white Europe, and they are big continents, so it only looks negative for them if many want to follow white people to Europe.

Us white Europeans have got to live somewhere!

I also don’t agree with other countries invading and manipulating African and Asian countries, whether for religious extremism zealotism or exploitative multinational business.

XaW Files: Beyond Humanity (Fantasy Travel by Google Maps Book 3) by [Latham, Marc]


Don’t Cry for Me Scandinavia

Don’t cry for me Scandinavia
The truth is, your countries are colder (on average)

Just a little self-parody comedy to start this blog; a cover-version of:

Don’t cry for me, Argentina
The truth is, I never left you
Read more: Madonna – Don’t Cry For Me Argentina Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Y-Dawn Day Beer/n and Gone

January 21st has passed, so we are now in the muse months of the greenYgrey world’s aid to psychologically surviving the winter; I know it won’t keep you warm or full, but that’s the government’s job.

The four months of mistYmuse were mostly conceived to pass the hardest months of the year for those who don’t like winter (such as S.A.D sufferers), so mostly Y-Dawn Day marks the end of perhaps the toughest part, and the later lighter days show that winter is nearing its end, and spring isn’t far away.

It happened to coincide with my last day in Iceland, so I celebrated with three pints of Gull in Reykjavik (my fourth and fifth of the year), spending the last of my coins, apart from a small one kept as a memento; continuing what is now a thirty-one-years-old tradition!:


Iceland’s Excellent Parody/Satire Humour

I think I can write freely with parody and satire about Scandinavia because I know they have a fantastic tradition of free press and speech, mirroring being top of the gender and social equality league tables nearly all the time.

I also saw evidence of such funny comedy in the Reykjavik Grapevine, English language newspaper. While I don’t consider it as cleverly subtle as mine, its obviousness probably gets the message across to the casual reader more. English is of course not Icelanders’ first language either; something their generally excellent skills and willingness to talk it makes you forget; which makes it all the more impressive.

Here’s an example from the RG, part of an obviously OTT (Over The Top) round-up of Icelandic footballers playing in Europe, showing a jovial attitude to religion in a country that still respects and reveres their pagan traditions:

‘After Albert Gudmundsson was absurdly shown red in a Jong PSV match against Fortuna Sittard for an alleged beating motion that never happened, he sought the aid of Tyr, Norse God of law and justice, trusting in him to resolve the situation. After Tyr familiarised the Dutch disciplinary committee with the proverb, “Fear the reckoning of those you have wronged,” they immediately reversed the referee’s three-match punishment, terrified that an uncontrollable rage was building within Albert’s psyche.’

If you like such comedy, XaW Files is full of it, as were Werewolf of Oz and Greenygrey’s Rambles:


Gracie-Greening the New greenYgreying?

After Davina-Deng was declared a Dada-esque greenYgrey I was thinking that Carrie Gracie’s name was pretty greenYgreyish when I heard she’d resigned from her BBC China post because of gender pay disparities. Then Justine Greening resigned from the government cabinet because she didn’t want to move to another position, and I thought oh, what a coincidence, because combining Gracie and Greening’s surnames is like a topsy-turvy greenYgrey.

greenYgrey wordplay

Gracie’s name sounds like grey with an ie/y, while Greening sounds like green with an ing: thus reversing the most popular pastime in the greenYgrey world: greenYgreying.

greenYgrey conspiracy theorists wonder if Justine Greening spotted the connection herself and resigned so I would notice too, and give her the ultimate position: a mention in the greenYgrey world!

Continuing my celebration of Marcel Duchamp, here’s a couple of readYmade photos:

Image result for carrie gracieImage result for justine greening

While it’s a shame these two admirable women had to resign their positions it did provide a return for my favourite greenYgrey-connection politician.

If you loved the above wordplay, XaW Files: Beyond Humanity is full of it!

Mourinho: Damien-Omen Devil or Bilbo-Frodo Hobbit? Match of the Day: Salford Devils or Devilgate Whistleblowers

While the images of Mourinho and Fred ‘the Red’, Manchester United’s devil mascot, reflecting their devil logo and nickname; while early mascot, the Baphometesque Billy ‘the Goat’ is kept under covers in the museum; captured on Match of the Day prove Mourinho walks alongside a representation of the ultimate in evil according to the Bible, the relationships are still unclear, and only those living in the Salford Devil’s Triangle probably know the truth.

Screenshot (252)

Parody Comedy… I Think

I would just like to clarify that I’m writing this is parody comedy, but if David Icke is right about devil-worshipping paedophiles running the country/world, as he has been about some things, then there may be some truth in it. I have no proof though.

Mourinho: The Special One

I’ve liked Mourinho’s personality most of the time I’ve known about him, and his right-hand man Ibrahimovic, but I now realise it was because of their fondness for being the Devil’s Advocate or King Contrary Man: both with connections to the Devil.

Looking up The Cult’s King Contrary Man lyrics I was reminded of Mourinho’s meeting with Fred ‘the Red’ Devil at Old Trafford last week:

I took a while and thought about it
Down at the crossroads temptin’ fate
I took a while and thought about it
Down at the crossroads temptin’ fate
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You can take my soul
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You can take my soul
Take my soul
I want it all, yeah

Screenshot (250)

The last line of the song seems to sum up Mourinho’s ambition, remembering him declaring himself the Special One when he arrived in England. Then he was reported to have contacted Manchester United to ask for the job, rather than them luring him there with a devilish offer.

So I think Mourinho is more Damien-Omen than a Lord of the Rings hero, but there’s still a little bit of me wondering if he could be the victim of a wicked plot, and the Salford Devil’s Triangle has been affecting him since the Chelsea v Swansea game, like Mordor and the (Lanca)shire, when he seemed to lose his mind… the goodness and good cheer it once had anyway!


Image result for damien omen images
Damien in The Omen

BBC and Match of the Day


I love the BBC and Match of the Day, like the teddy bears I once had, and the heatwave summers and snowdrift winters I remember (saw first snow of the winter this afternoon, after a lovely sunny earlier day). Obviously there were bad elements to all of them… except my teddies!

I wondered why they showed Mourinho with Fred ‘the Red’ before the Brighton game. Was it without reason, or was there a reason; and what was it if there was a reason. Were they (Illuminati/Lizards at Old Trafford/BBC) providing subliminal messages supporting devilry; using Mourinho as an unsuspecting celebrity (Devil’s) advocate, or were they acting as investigatory reporters, looking for a ‘Watergate’? If they were looking for a ‘Devilgate’ it reminds me of Suzi Quatro:

When the BBC decided to move to Salford Quays (2004 – 2007) the Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall cases were still secret (revealed in 2012), so the move to a venue in the middle of two ‘Devils’ teams ties in with David Icke’s devil-worshipping paedophiles theory… circumstantially!

I previously blogged about Salford University, which could have provided a triangle with the two sports grounds before the BBC moved there, after my student colleague who had a sinful, if stereotypical, relationship with the Head of Department got a job there after university, and then Manchester Arena bomber Abedi was reported to have studied there.

I thought it was a coincidence that she’d got a job near the home of Manchester United then, but the (negative) coincidences have just kept happening in Salford since.

Neuroscience Research Supports My Writing Search into My Own Brain

XaW Files: Beyond Humanity was the last of my fantasy fiction trilogy, with the greenYgrey as my protagonist and maybe muse; a star reflection. The writing process, inspired by a decade of travel to all the populated continents, and another twenty years of smaller trips; ten years of further education and the same amount of creative writing and learning; building on a lifetime of media absorption, a lot of it ‘counterculture’, was laborious and lengthy, feeling pressured and pushed; only by myself; to finish the greenYgrey story on a high, doing my project justice, and emulating the people from my demographic like members of Guns N’ Roses and Metallica, who’d started their creative lives raw and reached classic. I think I did that, with the help of the aurora borealis, which provided the perfect ending, as it often gives the ultimate of sky beauty.

Sky to Synapses (a junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter)

If you think I’m being arrogant including a description for synapses above, it’s really because it’s one of those words I know a little about, but not that clearly myself – now double-negatives will say I don’t know what I’m writing about!

I don’t know that much about it, that’s true, just a documentary and articles knowledge, but I did try and look inside my own brain while writing XaW Files, searching inside for new ideas and stories. As I wrote at the start of Chapter 6, Episode 21:

Many nights on this journey
I have packed up my ramblers
feeling at a dead-end.
But a door has
always opened –
sometimes overnight:
before sleep
during sleep
after sleep
sometimes in the morning:
before starting to ramble
whilst preparing to ramble
after a few steps of rambling.
sometimes it has taken days:
especially at the end of chapters
plotting a suitable end, or researching
a new chapter, countries and cities.

Twilight Times of the Mind

I continued to describe the process inside my brain recalling thoughts from the hypnagogic time between wakefulness and sleep, also known as dozing, often after a coffee or two in the time I named coffilosophy:

This morning was like a usual day On The Road, not knowing what was in store for me, alone once more in a new location. Then I remembered some thoughts I had from that place between main and extra sleep; a hypnagogic place that seems like travelling through space, with bright lights reminiscent of reaching a new solar system, or passing through an asteroid belt.
Are they the bright sparks, light-bulbs of the moment, gold-dust like brain sperm, all trying to create new life ideas, but only one of each starburst able to find an egg.

Recent Article Names Lights as Biophotons

Then a few weeks ago I saw an article on Facebook from the educateinspirechange website naming those lights as biophotons, and moreover, led by a great greenYgrey image of them:

Screenshot (245)

While the lights may have contained the ideas that fuelled the greenYgrey trilogy, which ended with the similar lights from the sun, interacting with our planet’s magnetic field to create the northern and southern lights; as there are on other planets; I had most welcomed their ‘sight’ as a sign that sleep was returning, after maybe an hour or two of being awake.

I wondered if they were dopamine neurons, flying past my conscious mind to shut down the pre-frontal cortex, which is apparently the thinking part of the brain, to induce sleep.

I also wondered if they were pre-frontal cortex neurons returning home, having been shot backwards in my brain by whatever awoke me; or did they do the awakening, having not properly settled the night before; now they were falling back to their place in my brain, as dust settles on ground.

As I sometimes seem to feel the front of my head relax before sleep, as if the brain is following gravity to the pillow, as the head has done.

So I still have lots of questions about my own brain’s working, but that article did provide some more evidence, and nice images of the inner workings of our bodies.

Neuroscience seems to be answering a lot of the questions set by the counterculture theorists of the twentieth-century, as top mind-searching guru Dr. Timothy Leary noticed during his lifetime.

Recycle and Save Money… Oceans and Planet… but no Guaranteed Reward

The MIST (Midwinter Ideal Sunrise Times) months of November 21st to January 21st, either side of the shortest daylight day of December 21st, thus the latest sunrise time, got off to an old-fashioned greenygrey start, with low cloud giving the sun a lie-in, as if wrapped cosily, enjoying a lie-in.

I didn’t miss it, showing I am often up at the same time as the traditional 9am traditional start workers I think it is ideal for, and working by 9am as I am now, as this is the work I should be doing, researching and writing, as a PhD graduate.

I have seen some great sunrises this autumn, showing that the best things are often at times unpredicted and unexpected. The pinkyorange sun twilight time all day, on the last day of really mild weather here in Blighty, October 18th, was one of those. I thought at the time it was a good replacement for the predicted solar eclipse across North America in August that I’d been thinking of visiting.

Humanity is Real World Problem, but Not Your Fault (no more than 0.000000001%)

Looking on the greenYgrey other side of it, and the weather forecast is for an even wetter day tomorrow, it should show to all those who blame everything in the world on me and more practising pagans (I’m past perfect, for those who remember my joke that I’m not a practising pagan, I’m a perfect one, which was an early example of my self-parody; genius comedy that’s obviously gone to waste; or even been counter-productive, decoded as arrogant elitism!) that were (we’re) not in control of the world, and causing the increasing natural disasters; I’m being like King Cnut here, showing I can’t control nature (god)!

If anything ‘human’ has a contribution to the planet’s weather and ecosystem it is climate change, with severe warnings since at least 1992, as a recent Washington Post article reminded me. There were some bad years of flooding before I created the Greenygrey in 2005, with the autumn of 2003 particularly bad.

Times like that inspired the Greenygrey, rather than the Greenygrey causing them.

Blue Planet Primary (First-hand) Evidence

Blue Planet II has shown the effect it is having on the oceans, and especially plastics, which were a great human invention, but too good for the natural world apparently. Fish and mammals are already dying, as well as coral reefs, and scientists predict a lack of oxygen could suffocate marine life in mass extinction numbers. A recent research survey by Newcastle University scientists, reported in the media by papers such as The Telegraph, found plastics in all life they trawled from the deepest ocean on Earth: the Marianas Trench.

It’s still cool to be wasteful amongst the ‘poor’, and they are probably only getting in their share of destruction compared to ‘richer’ people who recycle more (I think that’s how they think too, and I thought like that from about 18-32 too, until computers, web and blogging made me think I could make more of a difference), but live in bigger houses and/or drive bigger cars. It’s kind of like hunting, where the poor think ‘if the royals and upper classes are doing it’; harking back to the ‘Robin Hood days’ when royals hunted and peasants starved. I welcome the efforts of Charles and William (and I guess Princess Kate is being great in the background) in trying their best, and pushing the boundaries towards conservation and environmentalism as far as they can.

My Narcissistic Side’s World View

If I thought I was important to the world, as part of me does, greenYgrey style, while the other half says I’m probably just imagining it, I’d write that I tried to live ethically during the greenYgrey years, the ‘Establishment’ seemed to react 1000s time against me, importing men and cultures who didn’t care anything about the environment, women, children and British class identity or fairness; as the ‘Establishment’ probably predicted, the majority of working-class and women were easily bought and groomed onto their side; while the counterculture left-liberals showed their folly by expecting a physical ‘revolution’ led by Russell ‘Pied Piper’ Brand.

To be fair to Brand, he is a vegan, so better than me in that animal welfare and environmental way. Some of my ‘counterculture friends’ openly spoke against animal welfare and the environment, as well as not caring about women and children, and still had a better standing in it than me; because they advocated open borders, humanity over everything, an Islamist view of the world. Anything that went against it was a ‘conspiracy’! They ignored the fact that the biggest ‘conspiracy’ was the grooming and rape of British children on an industrial scale by mainly Muslim gangs under the cover of Blair’s Multicultural Fascism.

Recycle and Save Money

To end on a bright note for the traditional working-class, who might think I’m neglecting them, Blue Planet and other documentaries like that show ‘nice mammals’ like dolphins going through an entire shoal of fish, such as lantern in a ‘boiling sea’ event filmed for episode 4. So don’t be guilty about your fish and chips today… but maybe its plastic container! Bring back the old-fashioned recycled newspapers!?

And if you want to save money and the environment, I recommend (not demand, anticipating the response from those who don’t believe in recycling, some of whom see themselves as controllers of counterculture!) using small plastic bags such as those in the supermarket for veg, potatoes etc for your ordinary refuse bins, putting them out more often, instead of buying big bin liner bags and having rubbish lying around for longer; and you can put recycling rubbish in without a bag, using the same bag all the time.

I watched an old Natural World with David Attenborough recently, and some of the constructions were incredible. However, it also showed prairie dogs eating all the vegetation around their communities, and then many dying off before the rains came to replenish the soil. So were (we’re) probably no worse than the rest of the animal kingdom, just that were (we’re) much more advanced. Ironically, insect kingdoms such as ants and termites are much more advanced than most animal; including ants recycling their waste, and termites building their stacks to make the most of the sun at cool times in the morning and evening, and least in the midday heat, ‘knowing’ to build them facing east-west, with the narrow part north-south; including our closest primate relatives according to evolution theory, who live a nomadic life rather than making homes at all. However, baboons were shown at the end using caves, providing possible evidence of humanity’s route from trees to cave walls.

I had some magic monkey moments while travelling, including with this wild capuchin in the Mayan Copan site in Honduras:



And a ‘pet’ in one of the places I stayed in South America. I think it’s a pygmy marmoset, and hopefully a rescued one, but I can’t remember, or didn’t know: