Tag Archives: Unexplained Files

Are Your Friend Filters Full? Or do you think they’re ‘Foolters’, Clogging Your System!

When you’re young you put up with some rubbish ‘friends’ because you want to have company, someone to go out with, and to go to good places and parties etc, to not seem a friendless loner; as they get persecuted of course, as Chris Packham described he was in his Asperger’s documentary.

Friend groups can be great, but usually decline in importance as you get older, as most of the hippy communes soon fell apart in the 1960s, as described by Adam Curtis in one of his liberal left-wing orientated documentaries.


In Defence of the Department of Youth (Motley Crue Memories of My Youth)

As I described in my recent article about the Scottish Highlands on TravelThruHistory, I now liked the way all the people on the holiday, who were oldish, kept to their set places on the bus and dinner tables. I don’t think this is a sign of being better, just the way it is, because of age: both the physical and mental properties of humans; body, mind and spirit.

Young people are full of energy, and everything is new to them, so they are both driven by their physical properties and desire to learn about life to move about a lot; in social conditions this means they naturally feel like moving about and interacting with others, whereas older people don’t have that energy drive, or interest in others, as they’ve been there and done that.

The above is an attempt to provide a philosophical insight into why there is often generational conflict, in line with my position as a PhD graduate, and as a peer of Adam Curtis. I propose that the reason is not more physical or mental, but a combination of both. Recent science has also shown that younger people naturally like to sleep later, which has over the years been interpreted as laziness or rebellion; hopefully, such new knowledge will help humanity understand each other, across generations and other social demographics.

I’ve tried to have such conversations with some of my friend groups over the years, but they usually lower it to sex and race, which is why I had to free myself from them, and am eager to escape to my peer group now. However, hopefully you’ll be able to understand this, and interpret it correctly.

Stormy Seas – Clouds of Culture – Friend Foolters

Over the last few weeks I’ve proposed that the masses are kept ‘below the surface’ of knowledge by continuous waves of mass immigration, and the clouds of culture they bring, with the countries that are affected, such as Blighty, continually having to have the same social debates and arguments; such as race, gender and sexuality; as new cultures arrive from the ‘developing world’.

One of the reasons I gave up my friends was that I was bored with their conversations, and thought I could learn more and be more entertained from documentaries on television. If you have friends groups who you really relate to, and that are very knowledgeable and funny, you may find them more stimulating than television, and first-hand spontaneous comedy built on years of ‘local cultural knowledge’ can be better than planned, as seen on television, but overall, the most talented people can usually be seen on television.

Documentary ‘Gas Giant Gravity’ 3G Entertaining Knowledge

While I’m often critical of the ‘establishment’ and the ‘BBC‘ I am probably a product of both more than anything, as I declared recently in my gas giant gravity (3G) theory, and watching Blue Planet II and Sky at Night recently I feel like they are providing the most up to date confirmed information or scientific theories information available.

On a more sensational level, Quest’s ‘The Unexplained Files’ and ‘UFOs: The Lost Evidence’ provide the latest unconfirmed theories and evidence.

If ‘immigrants’ are watching such programmes with open minds, and learning the latest science, then it would make mass immigration look better. However, many/most seem more interested in hiding away from it, maintaining their Middle-Eastern monotheistic myths, to keep their families and communities under their manly monopoly.

If you filter that as my gender and race prejudice, then you are just like one of the foolters I cleaned out of my system, like fat from a clogged artery, to help you breathe better. Some of those foolters were university graduates, but weren’t humanities or social science students, but thought they knew everything about it.

I think I’ve learnt the latest knowledge about the above science subjects from the documentaries, but know I’m no expert in any of them; but also think that makes me quite wise, remembering that 2500 years ago in ancient Greece, Socrates said that the wisest were those who know they know little.

Marc Latham books available on Amazon.