Tag Archives: unconscious mind

Derren Brown Fans, This May Be 2 Much Information: Prepare your Conscious Minds for Amazing Unconscious Revelations… and Sunrise Research!

Spelling it out clearly for you, in case you think I’m causing trouble for negative reasons: I want humanity to see beyond cultures that promote unnecessary cruelty, whether against other humans or animals; and unnecessarily close minds and experience.

greenYgreyliens in the northern hemisphere who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and lamenting the end of hot sunny days, will no doubt be looking forward to the greenYgrey world MIST months start on November 21st. Only the greatest greenYgreylien greenYgreyologists will remember what the MIST acronym stands for; and they will be better greenYgreylien greenYgreyologists than me, as I first of all remembered it as Most Ideal Sunrise Time, when the M in fact stands for Midwinter in my proposal posted on the greenYgrey3 website on Valentine’s Day this year.

Kazuo Ishiguro’s Clouds and Mist Delayed Reaction

After writing that I consider monotheism to be clouds of culture over the last couple of blogs, obscuring the clear sky reality of more ancient holistic knowledge, last night I connected it with this year’s Nobel prize-winning Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant, which I’ve been reading lately. That takes place in a dark ages Britain cloaked in a mysterious fog that the protagonists think has made them lose their memory.

Like with Patti Smith’s M Nights, I didn’t think it was as good as my XaW Files (sorry Patti and Kazuo), but I am biased! As the expert reviewers opine, and I realise now after my delayed reaction, it does have a haunting narrative that sticks to you after finishing it.

Connecting Stormy Seas and Monotheistic Clouds

I also connected my British negative immigration policy Stormy Seas (rather than the Calm Reservoir I think we need) with the Monotheistic Clouds keeping the masses from seeing what’s really going on.

The Stormy Seas mean the masses always stay under the surface, gasping for air, and not having enough time to see what’s going on above the waves – and when they do, they only see Monotheistic Clouds rather than clear sky.

I thought it was quite nicely summed up by this photo, a National Geographic Wildlife Photos competition candidate, seen on MSN News, that I first of all thought of posting as an example of a POP (PinkyOrangePurple) sky, but then thought it was quite representative of how I see the masses’ situation in Blighty and the world – struggling for survival under the surface, with clouds of censorship (especially monotheism, but also other religions, or people cults in communism etc) above.

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POP Research

Talking of POP skies, I saw this MSN News story about sunrises last night. It has twelve slides of sunrise photos, and I can only see one that has what I’d call red in it, and that’s a thin line amongst the pinky orange above the purplish cloud in slide 3:

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Maybe the reason I can’t remember seeing red in the sunrise is because I’ve mostly only been studying them for the last decade, and in the city, as explained under slide 11: ‘Dust and pollutants found within the atmosphere’s boundary layer absorb and filter visible wavelengths of light. So, the vibrant oranges and reds of “clean” sunrises become diluted to pale yellows and baby pinks.’

I prefer pink to red anyway! However, I still think red is rare in sunrises, as shown in this spectacular twilight time photo from somewhere, featured on the greenYgrey3 website nearly a year ago, which might look red to inexperienced twilight colours researchers on first look, but when you look closely, it is most definitely POP (PinkyOrangePurple). It is just a screenshot image now rather than the video:

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These are the photos I based my research on, showing the beauty of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, Blighty, preserved online in Google Photos and YouTube videos. Thanks to the local people for their tolerance. These are playable videos:

Derren Brown Fans Alert: Leeds Woodhouse Bedroom Big Bang of greenYgrey World

As the universe is said to have started with a Big Bang explosion, and is forecast to end by imploding, I found the same kind of evidence for the greenYgrey world I created online over a decade ago, and that spawned a trilogy of educative fantasy fiction travel quest parody comedy books with an animal welfare, environmental and equality message in old photos of local woods at twilight time and my bedroom wall.

PinkyOrangePurple and greenYgrey

The greenYgrey world ended with the onset of PinkyOrangePurple (POP), merging like recent evidence of two neutron stars crashing into each other in what is called a kilonova, felt through gravity waves reaching Earth

Illustration of two stars merging

Here’s the greenYgrey world version, photographed in the mid-noughties:

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Building Blocks of the greenYgrey World

As life on Earth is said to have evolved from basic chemical building blocks, most of the common themes of the greenYgrey world over the past decade can be seen on my bedroom walls from that time in the mid-noughties.

This wall, which could be seen as the birth or sunrise of the greenYgrey world, features a beautiful woman on top from the FHM calendar; as Debbie Harry was the greenYgrey goddess, Kate Moss the Queen, and the final age the ABBBA one, most influenced by Agnetha; a painting of the sun I did in 2003 and a collage of sunlight through trees from the Traveller magazine, travelling inland from the sea:

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This wall, which could be seen now as the end or sunset, has a Leeds United scarf (more proof of who I support, and proof against those who say I’m only pretending to be a Leeds fan for profit, privilege or cowardice!) and a running medal above a woman on a beach and Debbie Harry herself. Another woman is above an astronaut from an IMAX space film I watched. Then there’s a gYgPOP twilight scene from the Apocalypse Now movie above an Independent newspaper map of the 21st century world.

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I saw these photos for the first time in years, maybe the full ten (?), while scanning the other photos, and was surprised to see how they mirrored the greenYgrey world so much, and seemed to have set the scene for it; in a Derren Brown kind of way!

In my conscious mind, I had no plans to end the greengYrey trilogy with a POP twilight times scene until studying several sunrises; and noticing they are pink, orange and purple rather than actually red; and that could be used within the XaW Files travel quest theme of searching for our Andy Warhol, Andy Wolfhol, famous for pop art.

Likewise, I had no plans to end the trilogy in Iceland when I took the XaW Files cover star photo of the sunset looking out to the west from Norway: towards Iceland!

This memoir was published as The Guns N’ Roses Worker-Traveller, and like Marc Latham’s other books is available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.